Boston Python Workshop 4/ColorWall handout

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Revision as of 03:12, 30 September 2011 by imported>Jesstess

Indentation reminder

In Python, indentation matters. Everything is indented by a multiple of some number of spaces, often 4.

In if statements, you indent everything you want to be run if the if conditional is True. For example:

>>> James = 35
>>> Alice = 30
>>> if James > Alice:
...     print "James is older than Alice."
James is older than Alice.

Because James really is older than Alice, the if conditional is True, so Python does execute the code indented under the if line. In this case we print "James is older than Alice."

>>> James = 35
>>> Alice = 30
>>> if James < Alice:
...     print "James is younger than Alice."

Because James is not older than Alice, the if conditional is False, so Python does not execute the code indented under the if line.

In for loops, you indent everything you want to be run each loop For example:

>>> names = ["Jessica", "Adam", "Liz"]
>>> for name in names:
...     print "Hello", name
Hello Jessica
Hello Adam
Hello Liz

The print line is indented 4 spaces under the for. That's how Python knows to execute the print line for every name in names.


>>> range(5)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> for i in range(5):
...     print "Hi" * i


if statements inside for loops

>>> for i in range(80):
...     if i % 9 == 0:
...         print i, "is divisible by 9."
0 is divisible by 9.
9 is divisible by 9.
18 is divisible by 9.
27 is divisible by 9.
36 is divisible by 9.
45 is divisible by 9.
54 is divisible by 9.
63 is divisible by 9.
72 is divisible by 9.