Community Organizing

Revision as of 23:43, 13 January 2014 by imported>Shauna

OpenHatch isn't (just) about helping newcomers make specific contributors. It's about getting newcomers involved in communities - our own, and those of other open source projects.

To that end, we have a few different initiatives in mind.

Community for community-builders

We'd like to help those who are doing community-building work communicate with each other so we can provide each other with advice, support, and tools.


  • Start a mailing list
    • Step 1: Create mailing list
    • AL: Should this be a different list than events@oh?
    • Step 2: Invite community-builders
      • Make list of people to invite (OSCTC event organizers, other people we know who might be interested).
      • Draft and send email to said people inviting them to the list.
    • Step 3: Stimulate discussion
      • Come up with a few standing OH questions (eg the eternal freedom v guidance question) to ask in case people are shy.
  • Have a monthly IRC meetup
    • Step 1: Create a doodle poll + send out to above mailing list.
    • Step 2: Wait a week, announce the results to list.
    • Step 3: Have the IRC meetup.