Django for Designers: Difference between revisions

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==== Static files ====
Now we know how to create HTML within Django's templating language. For a good web application, though, you will probably want to embed stylesheets, scripts, images, and other files. How can we include static files such as these?
TODO: ls and copy static folder into mysite.bookmarks
Django automatically looks for a folder named 'static' inside any of your Django apps. You can also put static files in other places, such as inside /mysite/ directly. To do that, you would need to add the absolute path of the folder to STATICFILES_DIRS in
We'll just leave our static files inside bookmarks/, for the sake of simplicity.
TODO: see how the old HTML looks here
Now let's add some more structure to our HTML templates to make them easier to style. First, base.html:
<source lang="html4strict">
<!doctype html>
<title>My bookmarking app</title>
<link href=',400,700,900' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8">
<div id="container">
<div id="header">
<div id="new-bookmark-widget">
<h3>New bookmark</h3>
<p><label>URL</label> <input></p>
<p><label>Title</label> <input></p>
<p><label>Tags (comma-separated)</label> <input></p>
<h1><a href="/">My bookmarking app</a></h1>
<div id="content">
<h2>{% block subheader %}{% endblock %}</h2>
{% block content %}
Sample content -- you should never see this, unless an inheriting template fails to have any content block!
{% endblock %}
<div id="footer">
Brought to you by PyCon US 2013
And also index.html:
<source lang="html4strict">
{% block content %}
<ul class="bookmarks">
<a class="bookmark-link" href="">Bookmark</a>
<div class="metadata"><span class="author">Posted by Jane Smith</span> | <span class="timestamp">2012-2-29</span> | <span class="tags"><a href="">funny</a> <a href="">haha</a></span></div>
<a class="bookmark-link" href="">Another bookmark</a>
<div class="metadata"><span class="author">Posted by Jeanne Doe</span> | <span class="timestamp">2012-2-28</span></div>
<a class="bookmark-link" href="">A third bookmark</a>
<div class="metadata"><span class="author">Posted by Jayne Cobb</span> | <span class="timestamp">2012-2-28</span> | <span class="tags"><a href="">funny</a></span></div>
<a class="bookmark-link" href="">La la la bookmark</a>
<div class="metadata"><span class="author">Posted by Jeanne Doe</span> | <span class="timestamp">2012-2-28</span> | <span class="tags"><a href="">blah</a> <a href="">school</a></span></div>
<a class="bookmark-link" href="">Rhubarb rhubarb bookmark</a>
<div class="metadata"><span class="author">Posted by Jeanne Doe</span> | <span class="timestamp">2012-2-27</span></div>
{% endblock %}
and tag.html:
<source lang="html4strict">
{% block content %}
<ul class="bookmarks">
<a class="bookmark-link" href="">Bookmark</a>
<div class="metadata"><span class="author">Posted by Jane Smith</span> | <span class="timestamp">2012-2-29</span> | <span class="tags"><a href="">funny</a> <a href="">haha</a></span></div>
<a class="bookmark-link" href="">Another bookmark</a>
<div class="metadata"><span class="author">Posted by Jeanne Doe</span> | <span class="timestamp">2012-2-28</span></div>
<a class="bookmark-link" href="">A third bookmark</a>
<div class="metadata"><span class="author">Posted by Jayne Cobb</span> | <span class="timestamp">2012-2-28</span> | <span class="tags"><a href="">funny</a></span></div>
{% endblock %}
=== Part 3: Models, our database, and making it visible ===
Anonymous user