Getting started with the OpenHatch code (moved): Difference between revisions

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I can't hear anything over the sound of how awsmeoe this article is.
{{Hacking OpenHatch}}
To get your own instance of OpenHatch running, follow these '''five steps''' and then get in touch with us.

The code is written in Python. It uses the Django toolkit and tries to stick to good software testing practices. If you have Python experience, you should be able to get hacking pretty quickly even if you don't know Django or testing.

== Clone our git repository ==

You will need to have the ''git'' version control system installed. Once you do, type this into a terminal:

$ git clone git://

It might take a while; it's kind of a big repository. (Fifty megabytes, or so.)

== Overview of Openhatch filesystem structure ==

Take a look in the LAYOUT file - oh-mainline/LAYOUT

It's a good overview of the filesystem.

You can also read it online...


== Follow the README ==

The repository is called '''oh-mainline''' so you have to "cd" into it:

$ cd oh-mainline

There you'll find a [ README.mkd] file. Give it a careful read.

$ less README.mkd

'''That''' is what we really keep up to date with the necessary things.

It contains instructions you need to follow. Go ahead and do that. I can wait.

Heck of a job there, it abostleuly helps me out.

== Run the tests ==

We have automated tests that help us know when we've broken functionality in the OpenHatch code. Running the tests is a good way to make sure your OpenHatch environment works properly! Try this:

$ ./bin/sqlite_mysite test missions

That runs the test suite for just the ''missions'' part of the code. It uses the sqlite-based test runner so it runs fast; the real website uses MySQL, not SQLite, but you'll discover that tests run about 10 times faster in the sqlite runner.

== Play with your local install ==

Thank God! Someone with brains sekaps!

== Get in touch ==

The fifth ''mandatory'' step is to get in touch with us. (Okay, not quite mandatory, but we'll all be happier if you do)

# Join the [ Devel mailing list] and say hello.
# [[Chat with us on IRC|the #openhatch IRC channel in freenode]]. (If you can click IRC links: <irc://>)
## We have weekly meetings, typically on Saturdays at 4pm EST (-5 UTC).

This airctle is a home run, pure and simple!

== Start contributing patches! ==

We mark issues that are particularly good for new contributors with the "bitesize" keyword on our bug tracker. You can find the open easy issues [,id,activity,status,assignedto&@sort=activity&@group=priority&@filter=status,keyword&@pagesize=50&@startwith=0&status=-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10&keyword=1&@dispname=bitesized here].

If you find an issue you like and it isn't assigned to anyone, assign it to yourself and start hacking (you'll need an OpenHatch account to log in to the bug tracker). If it is assigned to someone already, but it looks like they haven't gotten around to working on it, leave a note on the ticket saying that you are interested in taking it (you can also try asking on IRC).

When you are ready to submit a patch for an issue, follow the guidelines at [[How we handle patches]].

If you ever feel like you are getting stuck or could use some design feedback, don't hesitate to ask for help on the IRC channel, on the devel mailing list, or on the issue ticket. Attending the weekly development meetings on IRC is a great time to ask for help or recommendations on issues to work on.