Open Source Comes to Campus/Logistics/Publicity Website

Revision as of 20:22, 5 November 2013 by imported>Shauna

Making the site

The template website lives at the Github repository OH-campus template. You want to make a copy of this site which you can customize. To do so, you want to "fork" the repository.

Click the "Fork" button in the top-right corner of the page. Once the animation concludes, you should be in a new repository in your personal space (ie at url$YOURUSERNAME/oh-campus-template/ rather than You should also see a "forked from..." remark in the top-left.

You now want to rename the site. The naming scheme we'd like you to use is "oh-campus-$NAMEOFSCHOOL". If you were Harry Potter, you'd rename your repository to "oh-campus-hogwarts". To rename the repository, go to the righthand sidebar and scroll down to settings, near the bottom. Once you click that, renaming should be the first option you're given.

While you're there, take a look at the option "collaborators" on the lefthand sidebar. It may be useful to add OpenHatch organizers @shaunagm and @paulproteus, as well as any other student organizers who might need access to the site, in case it needs to be updated quickly when you're not available.

Once you've created the repository, send the url to OpenHatch organizers and we'll [| do our thing.] (You can safely ignore that page, but we linked it in case you're interested.)

Customizing the site

You can now go ahead and customize the site.

Publishing the site

Updating the site

The guide below assumes a basic knowledge of git/Github. If you need help, follow the instructions here using “OH-campus-template” as the example repository and substituting the customization of the site for steps 6 and 7 (“Find a task” and “Resolve the task”).

Making the Site Make a Github repository The template site lives at the Github repository OH-campus-template. You’ll want to fork this repository and give it a new name specific to your school. It’s probably useful to add the OpenHatch organizers (@shaunagm and @paulproteus) as collaborators to the repository in case Make changes Publishing the Site

To make the

There are a few technical things we need to set up for you