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===Theme: OpenHatch: The Real World===
==Theme: Toward feature completeness ==

The OpenHatch site has a lot of functionality. But the pieces are not all tied together coherently.

Let's do that this month. Here's the break-down, per section of the site, as to what it would take. See http://lists.openhatch.org/pipermail/devel/2011-September/002353.html for more discussion of what "feature-complete" might mean.

=== events.openhatch.org ===

* Event site supports time zones
* Events are integrated into front page of main website
* Front page of the site links to the event policy

=== Volunteer opportunity finder ===

* Bug importing actually, reliably, works. Goal: Fewer than 10% of bugs are stale (>3 days).
** The problem here seems to be that some bug trackers suffer from really high latencies, or maybe just drop packets entirely and we don't time out in a reasonable way.
* You can add bug trackers to our import entirely from the web UI.
* When you click on "Mentors (149)", we should visually break that number down so that people understand how we calculated it.
** Suggestion: Instead of a number, we can show two visual indicators: one for language, one for project. Can be e.g. signal bars, or "Lots" "a few" "some": <a href="/people/?q=can_mentor%3A%22C%2B%2B%22">Mentors [<span style="background: #FF6D3D;">:::</span>] [<span style="background: #B8FD6A"></span>]</a>

=== Project pages ===

* People who've clicked "I want to help" can be managed by project managers. There is already a good mockup of this in http://openhatch.org/bugs/issue282
** Note: This UI requires that you log in. That's suboptimal. There's a bug about making this work for non-logged-in users.
* Projects can mark some training missions as particularly relevant to a project. (I think that permissions aren't important here.)
** Can you work-around this by telling people to link the relevant missions in their FAQ?
* Project pages show relevant events, harvested from the events calendar
** Showing timely events on the front and +me pages is probably an adequate substitute.

=== Training missions ===

* Training missions are organized into meaningful categories. One suggested grouping: by which curriculum module they might be used in, during an in-person teaching event
* All current training missions have no open bugs.
** Instead: all bugs have stated work-arounds.

=== Monitoring ===
* We know which pages load slowly, and we publicly graph this

== Also, some events ==

* Make events.OH super awesome
** Time zone support
** Repeating-events support
** Put link to events policy on front page
** Integration into OH proper
*** "Events near you" module on front page dashboard
*** "Related events" for project pages?
* Make OH non-logged-in front page reflect events / campus.OH efforts
* Start working on "OH Comes to Campus" curriculum
* "How to make your project friendly" docs / training exist
** Organize "nice person" deployment for the next month?
* Make Boston Software Freedom Day happen
* Make Boston Software Freedom Day happen

* Write more missions / make existing missions better
== Also, publicity ==
** Bash training mission has a plot / copy - https://openhatch.org/bugs/issue390

*** See http://www.physics.ubc.ca/mbelab/computer/linux-intro/html/
* Goal: 10 projects link to the training missions from their documentation
** Paul and maybe Janet will hammer out the plot.
** (We already have two: mediagoblin and WordPress. We just need eight more!)
** Goal: 10 projects link to the training missions from their documentation
** I would settle for, "Four projects tell us ''why'' they do not link to the training missions from their 'Get invovled' page."
*** (We already have two: mediagoblin and WordPress. We just need eight more!)