0.11.10: Difference between revisions

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Skills needed: Django templates, plus CSS and a willingness to modify our templates and to accept feedback.
== Initial implementation of handler for people who've clicked "I want to help" ==
Right now, when visitors to OpenHatch click a button on a project page indicating they want to help, we add them to a list. We have repeatedly received feedback that project maintainers want the ability to manage this as a queue.
(Recently, we've used the short-hand "IWH handler" to describe this -- "I Want to Help" handler.)
More info:
* Mockup and conversation: http://openhatch.org/bugs/issue282
* Related bugs: http://openhatch.org/bugs/issue567 http://openhatch.org/bugs/issue568 http://openhatch.org/bugs/issue570
Owner: ?
Skills needed: Familiarity (or willingness to learn) Django
== Finish Missions Pedagogy page ==
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Owner: ?
== Initial implementation of handler for people who've clicked "I want to help" ==
Right now, when visitors to OpenHatch click a button on a project page indicating they want to help, we add them to a list. We have repeatedly received feedback that project maintainers want the ability to manage this as a queue.
(Recently, we've used the short-hand "IWH handler" to describe this -- "I Want to Help" handler.)
More info:
* Mockup and conversation: http://openhatch.org/bugs/issue282
* Related bugs: http://openhatch.org/bugs/issue567 http://openhatch.org/bugs/issue568 http://openhatch.org/bugs/issue570
Owner: ?
Skills needed: Familiarity (or willingness to learn) Django
Anonymous user