(Redirected from 2010-11-13)
This is a minutes page from one of our OpenHatch meetings.
You can find a list of all our meetings here.
Meeting objective
To have the first of hopefully many OpenHatch [Devel] team meetings.
Topic 0: Everyone says hi to one another
Topic 1: We figure out OH development priorities for the next 4 weeks
- Continue fixing the profile importer / converting to Twisted - code
- Make the bug importer Twisted-y after that? - code
- Document changes!! - docs
- Better documentation? (Where? What?)
- Hudson is undocumented - docs
- Graphical documentation - "How OH basically works (techwise)" -- sort of like a UML diagram - docs, design
- Hudson is broken post-Gitorious move! Someone should fix it maybe. - code
- "Someone" being Asheesh, since no one else is authorized :P
- If other people *are* going to be able to use Hudson, it should probably have more descriptive descriptions of its tests - docs
- Hudson should yell at us in IRC when we break things: - code
- Missions!
- They should freaking stop being hidden and beta already -- what needs to happen to make that happen?
- Fix - bitesize, UI, docs
- Write a Missions HOWTO - docs
- Remove beta beta thing - bitesize, design
- Make opening /missions/ page more exciting!! - design, ui
- Write Missions [Devel] HOWTO -- basically, finish this: - docs, code
- Reorganize directory structure of mission views, etc. so each mission has their own folder (see above link and/or - bitesize, code
- Copy and make a "mission"-type wiki page for HOWTO hack on OpenHatch - docs
- might be a good simple change for something like this - bitesize, ui, code
- They should freaking stop being hidden and beta already -- what needs to happen to make that happen?
Asheesh's post-meeting notes
- I thought the meeting went pretty well.
- I couldn't find the agenda. That was silly. In the future, we should put it on the wiki, since the wiki has good search.
- We didn't really have time for an IRC-based hack session, as I had wanted to. The discussion lasted too long. For future meetings, let's leave the hack session out.