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===The team===
[[FileImage:http://openhatch.org/static/images/info/asheesh.jpg|150px|Asheesh Laroia]]
'''Asheesh Laroia ''' - Data seducer, co-founder Asheesh has seduced language through computing (B.A., [http://web.jhu.edu/cogsci/people/visitors/Badecker/ cognitive science], [http://www.cs.jhu.edu/ and] [http://grll.jhu.edu/site_archive/RLL_Minor/french_minor.html three] [http://anthropology.jhu.edu/wgs/index.html minors], 2006; M.S.E., [http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~jason/ computer science], 2007).
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[[FileImage:http://openhatch.org/static/images/info/Raffi.jpg|150px|Raphael Krut-Landau]]
'''Raphael Krut-Landau''' - Undersecretary for Whitespace, co-founder Raphael gets his kicks from (ordered by time of discovery, ascending) the Oxford English Dictionary, the history of philosophy, and oatmeal. He is responsible for the web site's Look-'N-Feel.
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[[FileImage:http://openhatch.org/static/images/info/stump.jpg|150px|John Stumpo]]
'''John Stumpo ''' - Mission Commander John is a rising sophomore [http://ece.jhu.edu/ computer engineering] student at Johns Hopkins University. He is a sysadmin for the [http://acm.jhu.edu/ Johns Hopkins chapter of the ACM].
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[[Image:http://openhatch.org/static/images/info/Parker.jpg|150px|Parker Phinney]]
'''Parker Phinney''' - Code Monkey Parker is an undergraduate student at Dartmouth College, majoring somewhere at the intersection of computer science and the [http://leopard.dartmouth.edu/groups/digitalhumanities/ digital humanities].
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[[Image:http://openhatch.org/static/images/info/karen-150px.jpg|150px|Karen Rustad]]
'''Karen Rustad''' - Director of business development, research, and art Karen graduated in 2008 from Scripps College with a B.A. in Media Studies.
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[[Image:http://openhatch.org/static/images/info/nelson-headshot.jpg|150px|Nelson Pavlosky]]
'''Nelson Pavlosky''' - Co-founder Nelson met the other co-founders of OpenHatch through the organization that he co-founded in 2004, Students for Free Culture.