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Radvam se,che wsqka godina moeto bihsve uchilishte,pravi reformi ,koito sa sys zaslujen respekt.Moga samo da syjalqvam ,che zawyrshih minalata godina,zashtoto poluchawaneto na diploma s toga shte e neshto novo za srednoto obrazowanie.No si zaslujawa,tyikato s ryka na syrce moga da kaja ,che nivoto na trudnost ,koeto e v PGI, e po-visoko ot universitete v koito ucha w momenta.
Excellent video Excellent video tutorials. Use Flash or whtaever the heck you want, you are the one teaching the lessons! People need to realize you are doing everyone a favor and stop complaining about flash.I personally don't use flash anymore and lean towards Javascript, but I could care less. I am learning a lot about php and MySql. These are great tutorials. Thank you so much for taking the time to put them together!