Boston Python Workshop/Friday handout/Windows: Difference between revisions

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* You may need to login as Administrator, or give the Administrator password when installing some programs, depending on your Windows version and user settings.
== Open a Command Prompt ==
* Open a command prompt window, and keep it open along with your browser. Much of installing Python and using Django is typing commands and hitting '''<enter>'''. Your experience using RailsPython on Windows greatly depends on your making friends with the command prompt window.
* This is also called the command prompt, command window, command-line window, MS-DOS or DOS window.
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* Go to and download the latest version of Python ''2.7'' (2.7.1 at the time of writing).
* Test your Python install in the command prompt using the "-v" version flag:
\python27\python.exe -v
You should see something like
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== Install Git for Windows ==
* Go to http[ the downloads page (akafor GitBash)]
** Click on the top "Downloads" tab
** Download the top .exe file link with the Summary something like "Full installer for official Git 1.7.x.x"
* Run the install.
'''Note''': You can't just click through the installer. You have to answer some questions!
* In the "Select Components" dialog, make sure the checkboxes "Associate ... configuration files ..." and "Use a TrueType font ..." are checked.
* ''Important'': In the "Adjusting your PATH environment" dialog, make sure "Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt" is selected.
* In the "Configuring the line ending conversions" dialog, make sure "Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line endings" is selected.
* To run git, open Programs > Git > '''Git Bash'''
* Then to test the Git install and see Git commands, intype this into the command'''Git promptBash''' typeprompt:
'''Note''': From here forward, when we need a command prompt, we'll use the '''Git Bash''' prompt, because it is more featureful.
== Configure Git ==
* Set up Git with your name and email to tag your code changes. In the command prompt type:
<pre> git config --global <"''Your ActualName> </pre> ''"
* Replace ''Your ActualName'' with your actual name.
<pre> git config --global <> </pre>
* Tip: '''Colors'''
<pre> git config --global <> </pre>
* Replace '''' with your email address.
Test it:
git config --global
git config --global
*=== Tip: '''Colors''' ===
To have colored output, in the command prompt type each line followed by '''<enter>''':
git config --global color.diff auto
git config --global color.status auto
git config --global color.branch auto
== Install SQLite Manager ==
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== Create an ssh public key ==
You'll need one of these to creatework yourwith Heroku account in the next sectionGithub.
* OpenGet upinto a new GitBash window.
* <code>ssh-keygen -C &quot;''Your Actual Email''&quot; -t rsa</code> (email should match git config setting)
* Hit enter to accept default location for ssh key.
* Hit enter to accept blank passphrase (if computer is shared with other people, as in a work laptop, you should create a passphrase). Hit enter again to accept blank passphrase (or enter passphrase again).
* [[Output of ssh-keygen command]]
* Your brand-new public key is now stored at <code>~/.ssh/</code> inside your Windows profile.
'''Note''': The ''ssh-keygen'' command will give you a bunch of output. You don't have to record that output anywhere.
== Django ==
* Open a new GitBash window. Type each of these, and press enter at the end of the line.
curl -L -o Django-1.2.5.tar.gz
tar zxvf Django-1.2.5.tar.gz
cd Django-1.2.5
/c/python27/python install
cd ..
== Verify you can create a new Django app ==
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* Back in the Terminal window where you ran <code> runserver</code>, type control-c to kill the server.
== Verify Heroku is set upCleanup ==
Ok, there is one more step. You won't be using the test applicationproject in the workshop; we just created it to make sure everything was working. '''You should delete it now to reduce confusion during the workshop.''' Don't worry about losing information; -it you'lljust repeat allhas the stepstest tomorrow,project butin more slowly so you can better understand what's going on under the hoodit.
* Run your Text Editor
** use file-open to select Desktop/rails/test_app/Gemfile
** replace the sqlite3 entry in your Gemfile with this chunk of code (the first line is what was there originally, with # space put in front to comment it out).
# gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require =&gt; 'sqlite3'
group :production, :staging do
gem &quot;pg&quot;, &quot;0.9.0&quot;
group :development, :test do
gem &quot;sqlite3-ruby&quot;, :require =&gt; &quot;sqlite3&quot;
(Don't delete the rest of the gems, just replace the sqlite gem entry.)
* Open a new GitBash window and type the following commands:
<pre>cd ~/Desktop/rails/test_app</pre>
<pre>bundle update</pre> this rebuilds the Gemfile.lock file to reflect the change.
<pre>git add .</pre>
<pre>git commit -m "fixed the gemfile"</pre>
Also, as of now heroku requires you to specify a special stack if running rails3 so your create command needs to be like this:
<pre>heroku create --stack bamboo-mri-1.9.2</pre>
* Exit the GitBash terminal
* Enter your Heroku email address and password. ([[Output of heroku create command]])
* Drag the test_appmyproject folder (inside railsdjango_projects) to the trashRecycle Bin. Leave railsdjango_projects on the desktop.
* To verify that the <code>heroku create</code> completed successfully, do <code>git remote show</code> and see if the list includes <code>heroku</code>.
* type:<code>git push heroku master</code>
* It may ask: &quot;The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 8b:48:5e:67:0e:c9:16:47:32:f2:87:0c:1f:c8:60:ad. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?&quot; Type <code>yes</code> and hit ''<enter>''.
* [[Output of successful first deploy]]. Be sure to find your Heroku application name in the output. ([[What to do if git seems stuck]])
* In the GitBash window type: <code>heroku rake db:migrate</code> ([[Output of heroku rake db:migrate]])
* Go to your application's URL. You'll need your Heroku application name. The URL for your app is <code>''application name''</code> - so with the example output in the previous step, it would be <code></code>. Verify you see the welcome page. Leave this window open.
* In the browser, add <code>/users</code> to the end of the URL. Verify you see the user list page. Create a new user to verify you can write to the db on Heroku.
* If you are having issues ("Remote end hung up unexpectedly"), you might need to run "heroku keys:add"
== Congratulations! ==
You have everything you need to write a RubyDjango on Railsweb application. in Python.
...on '''your''' machine.
== Almost there! ==
The next set of directions help you use and its free-of-cost hosting.
'''Find a volunteer and have them watch the next steps. If this works - get a sticker from them for your computer!'''
== Install PuTTY ==
* <code>rails new suggestotron -m</code>
* <code>cd suggestotron</code>
* <code>rake cucumber</code>
PuTTY is a program we'll use to log in to the server where your Django code runs.
After running this, the last few lines of output should look something like this:
<code>11 scenarios (5 failed, 6 skipped)
84 steps (5 failed, 79 skipped)
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [bundle exec /Users/sasha/.rvm/rubies/ruby-...]
* Go to the [ PuTTY download page]
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
* Choose the '''putty-0.60-installer.exe''' file.
* Run the installer, and now you will find PuTTY in
** '''Start'''->'''Programs'''->'''PuTTY'''
== Cleanup ==
Ok, there is one more step. You won't be using the test application in the workshop; we just created it to make sure everything was working. '''You should delete it now to reduce confusion during the workshop.''' Don't worry about losing information - you'll repeat all the steps tomorrow, but more slowly so you can better understand what's going on under the hood.
'''Now go back to the [ web app install instructions]'''
* Drag the test_app folder (inside rails) to the trash. Leave rails on the desktop.
* Delete the app from Heroku. Go to and then click on your app name. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Destroy App.
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