Boston Python Workshop/Friday handout: Difference between revisions

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* To access the wireless network, connect to the Cambridge network and open a browser. You should be redirected to a login page, which will prompt you for a wireless code. The code is: pw304.
I'm so glad I found my solution onnile.
== Setting up Python ==
This section has instructions for installing Python and running Python from a terminal prompt.
# [[Python on Windows|Windows]]
# [[Python on OSX|OS X]]
# [[Python on Linux|Linux]]
In addition to being able to run Python, you should pick the text editor you'll use for writing and saving Python code during the workshop.
* On Windows, you might use NotePad. To start NotePad: click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Notepad.
* On OS X, you might use TextEdit. To start TextEdit: search for TextEdit from Spotlight, or navigate to Applications/TextEdit.
* On Linux, you might use GEdit. To start GEdit: click Applications, point to Accessories, and click Text Editor or you can start it from a terminal with:
It's great to read something that's both enjoyable and provides pragmatisdc solutnios.
== Intro to Programming stream: Setting up for the ColorWall ==