Bug tracker import code (moved)

Revision as of 23:45, 23 August 2010 by (talk)

Here's what you need to know:

  • Each style (like "Bugzilla", "Roundup", and so forth) of bug tracker has its code in mysite/customs/bugtrackers/style.
  • We write tests in mysite/customs/tests.py for each bug tracker type.

The Roundup code is instructive. Look at that in your favorite editor. You'll see:

  • class RoundupTracker
    • This class's __init__() is built so that an instance has enough data that a call to grab() will start downloading bug data.

The rest of that file is trivial subclasses that pre-fill the data to __init__(). That way, they can be called once a day by the mysite/customs/management/commands/customs_daily_tasks.py .

So if you want to add a new Roundup-based bug tracker, add a new subclass to that file, and submit a patch.

(Wondering how to submit a patch? Read how we handle patches.)