Community Data Science Workshops (Fall 2014)/Reflections: Difference between revisions

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=== Morning lecture ===
The [[Community Data Science Workshops (Fall 2014)/Day 2 lecture|morning lecture] was given by Frances Hocutt and it was was well received — if delivered too slowly for a significant minority of attendees. Unsurprisingly, the example of [ PlaceKitten] as an API was an enormous hit: informative ''and'' cute.
Frances used excellent slides which are shared [[Community Data Science Workshops (Fall 2014)/Day 2 lecture|on the wiki page]] and which we will reuse. About half found Frances’s lecture either too fast or too slow and about half found the lecture to be just right.
Since many people felt the lecture was on the slower side, we want to use this time to introduce function definitiondefinitions. upWe front.will Then,also functionsdevote cana bebit reinforcedless intime to review which, because of the one week 2spacing between sessions, feels less important than it did last workshopstime.
=== Afternoon sessions ===
There were three parallel afternoon sessions on '''Twitter''', '''Wikipedia API''' and '''SQL'''. WeAll three werew successful and we plan to do some version of all three sessions next round:
* Once again, the session had too many people for the room and we should consider splitting it if we have mentors who are comfortable splittingteaching it and we should try to arrange this ahead of time.
* Next time, weWe should be careful to make sure that the advance notice asks everybody to download the project zip file ahead of time. If we're going to do this in class instead, we should set up a short URL of some sort to help streamline the process without headingforcing everybody to head to the wiki for things.
* A bunch of people found the Twitter session too fast. so we should try to slow this down.
* TweePy continues to be both poorly documented and opaque. Tthe opaqueness of tweepy was a problem and we may want to create an interface to Tweepy that just gives users raw JSON.
* TweePy is not well documented.
the opaqueness of tweepy was a problem.. option to creat ea version of tweppty that just gives you json
or miku or michael for details onhow to do that
dharma might be able to do this.
'''Wikipedia''' workshop:
* In terms of delivery, there was mixed feedback including some excellent feedback and some who felt that it was too detailed and slow. This mirrored some of our feedback from last time. One approach would be to make the Wikipedia room be a designated "slower" room.
* The teacher explained things very clearly. That was frustrating for those who didn’t need it, but super great for people that wanted/needed a lot of explanation.
* GraduatedWe challengesshould inconsider agraduated workhshopchallenges that go from less challenging to more and more challenging helpswhich might help with the fact there is a range of learning levels.
'''SQL workshop''':
Jonathan ran a session on using SQL. Although this was a diversion from the strong Python focus, it was well attended and apprecaited by students tryint to build up this skill.
* Generally was very successfuly Seemed to work really well and did a good job of giving people an overview of a data science and a way to hook themselves in to it.
* Next session, also do a workshop that closes the loop between SQL and Python.
* Can we host an open SQL database somewhere?
- maybe split this into two session next time
- merge in some more python this time
#1 intro into sql
#2 using pythong o tgra data and bring python and pandas
* Generally wasthje verysession successfulywas Seemedwas tovery worksuccessful reallyand wellseemed andto diddo a good job of giving people an overview of a data science and a way to hook themselves in to it.
* Next session, if we do this again, we should consider integrating Python more closely into this. We may either close the loop in this session or perhaps split into two sessions: (1) introduction to SQL; and (2) using Python to bring data back into Python (e.g., in Pandas).
* CanWe weshould hostconsider hosting an open SQL database somewhere?.
== Session 3: Data Analysis and Visualization ==