Curated First Tasks: Difference between revisions

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* email maintainers and/or the broader community to announce our intentions
* create an Open Hatch account in that project's bug tracker which can claim and/or be assigned bite sized bugs
* assign ourselves bugs, for which we will provide a release-by date (never longer than four months, but usually not shorter than two weeks, from assignment)
We are happy to work with project communities to make sure we are not taking too many bugs or in any way impeding development. We also wish to stress that, for any individual bugs, members of the community arewould more thanbe welcome to say:, "Actually, I would like to claim this one" or "If you can't have this done by X data, please release it."
These are hand-picked bugs we intend to use at Open Source Comes to Campus events. If this goes well, we will work on merging the current automatic import process of the volunteer opportunity finder with this manually-curated list.
=== What makes for a good bug? ===
===Bug List===
These are hand-picked bugs we intend to use at Open Source Comes to Campus events. If this goes well, we will work on merging the current automatic import process of the volunteer opportunity finder with this manually-curated list.
===Project List===
Anonymous user