Hacker School Scrabble challenge
Problem Statement
Write a program that takes a Scrabble rack as a command-line argument and prints all valid Scrabble words that can be constructed from that rack, along with their Scrabble scores, sorted by score. An example invocation and output:
$ python scrabble.py ZAEFIEE 17 feeze 17 feaze 16 faze 15 fiz 15 fez 12 zee 12 zea 11 za 6 fie 6 fee 6 fae 5 if 5 fe 5 fa 5 ef 2 ee 2 ea 2 ai 2 ae
- http://courses.cms.caltech.edu/cs11/material/advjava/lab1/sowpods.zip contains all words in the official SOWPODS word list, one word per line.
- Here is a Python dictionary containing all letters and their Scrabble values:
scores = {"a": 1, "c": 3, "b": 3, "e": 1, "d": 2, "g": 2, "f": 4, "i": 1, "h": 4, "k": 5, "j": 8, "m": 3, "l": 1, "o": 1, "n": 1, "q": 10, "p": 3, "s": 1, "r": 1, "u": 1, "t": 1, "w": 4, "v": 4, "y": 4, "x": 8, "z": 10}
Modify your program to allow blank tiles, which can be used as any letter but contribute no points to the word score.