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Once you can replicate the error, try to find and open the files related to the areas of interest (if provided). One way you can do this is by opening up the OpenMRS project's folder in Sublime and clicking on Find->Find in Files. Then simply search for whatever might seem relevant to the issue.
If you prefer to work from the command line (using emacs, vim, nano, for example), navigate to openmrs-core. Then you can search for code with "grep -r "STRING HERE ." (don't forget the period at the end -- it tells grep to look in the current directory.
Sample ticket: Search for PatientSearchCriteria, PatientServiceImpl, HibernatePatientDAO, and DWRPatientService. Ctrl-f through these to try to find something that might specify a minimum search requirement. Afterwards, look for similar variables via the Find in Files method. In this case, the same change was needed to be done in 2 files (since the java backend and javascript front end are separate).
Sample ticket: Search for PatientSearchCriteria, PatientServiceImpl, HibernatePatientDAO, and DWRPatientService. Ctrl-f or grep through these to try to find something that might specify a minimum length string as a search requirement. Afterwards, look for similar variables via the Find in Files method. In thisour case, for TRUNK-3780, the same change was needed to be done in 2 files (since the java backend and javascript front end are separate).
== Testing Your Changes ==