Open Source Comes to Campus/Curriculum/Directory: Difference between revisions

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= The Follow Up =
You might say "Wait! I want a recent copy of thatthe awesome,directory fullwith directoryall forthe mynew ownprofiles sitepeople have added. How do I getdo those changes backthat?"
There's totally a way to do it, but it's kind of complicated. If your mind is already full with the above activity, you should take a break, and come back to this later if you want to.
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== Pulling from the original repository ==
You want to get the most up to date version of directoryindex.html from the original repository. To get an updated version of the main repository, you can type:
git fetch $name
git merge $name/master
In our case, though, this willmay cause a merge conflict. A merge conflict happens when two people (or the same person, at two different points in time) edit the same part of the same file. In our case, this happens both in index.html and directory.html. Let's take a moment to think about it.
<blockquote>If a merge conflict didn't happen this time, you can force it to happen by checking to see the [ the most recent change] in the original repository. Then, you can make a random edit on the same line as that change. Make sure to add and commit your change before continuing.</blockquote>
Your personal repository should have an index.html that's been customized to you. The index.html from the original, however, will only be the blank template version. You want to keep '''your''' index.html. Your directory.html is mostly empty, however, while the directory.html from the original has been updated with links. You want to add '''their''' directory.html.
So now there are two different index.htmls, your local copy and the origin. How do you reconcile the two?
There are two ways to do this. We'll go over both.
== Option A: Discard/keep within files ==
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Dealing with merge conflicts can get messy, especially when there are a lot of changes and you want to keep things from both versions of the file.
In our case, though, we don't want to take things from each version of the file. We just want to update one file, directory index.html.
Luckily, there's a way to to this at the file level:
git checkout --theirs directoryindex.html
Again, once you have done this you will need to [[Open_Source_Comes_to_Campus/Curriculum/Directory#Commit_and_push | add and commit]] your changes.
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