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=== Form day before reminder email ====
=== Form day before reminder email ====


<p>This is just a reminder about tomorrow’s Open Source Comes to Campus event. The event starts at '''instruction start time''', but we’ll be at the space starting at '''event start time''' with fresh coffee and donuts for those who want to chat a bit beforehand. </p>

<p>If you’d like to get an even earlier start, you can go ahead and make a GitHub account:</p></p>
GitHub is a popular tool for housing open software projects. We’ll be talking a lot about how to use it tomorrow.</p>

<p>If you’d like more details about the event, you can check the website, or feel free to email me with any questions. We’re looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!</p> </blockquote>

=== Personalized one week out email ===
=== Personalized one week out email ===

My basic pattern when personalizing emails is to ask after areas of open source the attendee has indicated interest in.
* If the attendee did not indicate an area, I gently press them and suggest popular areas such

Hi '''attendee name''',

You recently signed up for our Open Source Comes to Campus event, which will be running on '''date''' from '''time''' in '''place'''. I’m emailing you to remind you about the event, and to confirm that you can come. We provide breakfast and lunch to our attendees, so please RSVP -- we don’t want anyone to go hungry because we didn’t get enough food.

'''Personalized section - see below.'''

If you don't know yet, that's okay! We ask because, before the event, we collect bug reports and requests for our attendees to work on. If we know what you’re interested in, we can find you some contributions to make to a project you’re particularly excited about.

We’re looking forward to seeing you on the '''date'''! Again - it’s important that you let us know if your plans change and you can’t make it. If you can only come for half the event, that’s useful for us to know as well.

Feel free to contact us ahead of time with any questions you may have. And tell your friends about the event - we still have a few spots left!

'''your name'''

Here are some examples for the personalized section:

For an attendee with no stated interests.
<blockquote>I’m also curious if there are any areas of open source that you’re particularly interested in. There's pretty much every type of open source project you can imagine! Music software, open source video games, educational software, tools for scientific research, browsers, operating systems, mobile apps, mobile platforms, online tools like wordpress or wikipedia. </blockquote>

For an attendee who named areas of interest but not specific projects:
I’m also curious if there are any areas of open source that you’re particularly interested in. On the sign up form, you mentioned that you're interested in music software, games, and internet browsers. Of these, do you have specific projects you use and would like to contribute to - for instance, Chrome or Firefox (browsers), LilyPond or RhythmBox or Audacity (music), Blender or Quake (games), etc?

For an attendee who has named a project or projects(s) that is expansive and could use narrowing:
You mentioned in your sign up survey that you're interested in contributing to Chrome, Firefox and Ubuntu. These are all large projects with a huge list of reported bugs and requested features, so there's lots of ways for you to contribute. Are there specific aspects of those projects you're interested in working on? Mobile development, apps/plugins, the user interface, etc.?

For an attendee who has named a single project and we don't actually need more detail:
We asked about your interests because, before the event, we collect bug reports and requests for our attendees to work on. If we know what you’re interested in, we can find you some contributions to make to a project you’re particularly excited about. We'll take a look at Banshee for you, but if you come up with anything else you'd like to contribute to, let us know. Either way, there will be a number of bugs/features/contributions for you to choose from at the event.

For an attendee who mentioned a project with a difficult set up environment:
You mentioned in your sign up survey that you're interested in contributing to Android and the Wikipedia backend. Which of these would you say you're most interested in? I ask because, before the event, we collect bug reports and requests for attendees to work on. We're hoping we can find you some contributions to make that you're excited about! Also - have you done any Android development? Do you have a development environment already set up? If not, it's probably best to focus on contributing to the other three projects, as in our experience Android setup can take up most of the afternoon.

== Follow up email ==
== Follow up email ==