Open Source Comes to Campus/Meta-organizing/Meta organizer: Difference between revisions

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== How we meta-organize ==
OpenHatch maintains a spreadsheet with prospective organizers and schools interested in running aan workshopevent, the status of each upcoming workshopevent, and which meta-organizer us was responsible for making sure that worskhopevent took place. This helps us keep track of who's doing what, where, when.
In general, we share this with every person who has been a meta-organizer for an event.
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* For each prospective event, we assign a prospective meta-organizer. That person sends out emails to their potential organizers.
* They follow up with those who have questions or are up for it.
* The meta-organizer helps the local organizer pick a date for their workshopevent and find volunteers, and answers any other questions the organizer has.
== Strategies for Recruiting Organizers ==