Open Source Comes to Campus/Resources

From OpenHatch wiki

What to expect as a staffer

Laptop Setup

See laptop setup page.

Open Source Communication Tools

The slides I use for this talk can be found [asdad | here]. These are modified from a version graciously provided by Jessica McKellar. There are substantial notes in the ODP file which can be viewed by going to the "Notes" tab.

Version Control Demo

Go to the Wikipedia page for the host institution, e.g. and The presenter of this talk will explore the page more thoroughly later.

I also suggest, while you are out of the ODP presentation, showing the German law Git repository as an example of version control for things other than code.

Diff and Patch Demo

This demo uses the files in [this repository].

I have [a To Do List]! But maybe it needs editing. First, I'll make a copy to edit:

cp ToDoList new_ToDoList

Then I'll open it up and make changes to it. (Side note: make sure to explain which editor you're using and give options for those following along - emacs, vim, nano, or a GUI.)

How do I view the differences between the two?

diff -u ToDoList new_ToDoList

Usually I print to the command line, then again storing the results in a diff file:

diff -u ToDoList new_ToDoList > changes.diff

Issue Tracker Demo

IRC Demo

Introduction to the Command Line

--link to website?--

Introduction to Version Control

--get text of previous talk--

Github Demo


Ethics and History of Free Software


Staying Involved

  • Join our general mailing list.
  • Join the alumni mailing list.
  • Hang out with us on IRC.
  • Training missions?
  • Bug list?
  • Meetups?
  • Programs like GSoC and GNOME outreach.