Open Source Comes to Campus/Resources

What to expect as a staffer

Laptop Setup

See laptop setup page.

Open Source Communication Tools

The slides I use for this talk can be found [asdad | here]. These are modified from a version graciously provided by Jessica McKellar. There are substantial notes in the ODP file which can be viewed by going to the "Notes" tab.

  • Slides 1-7 (#7 is titled 'Version Control')
  • Versio

Version Control Demo

Go to the Wikipedia page for the host institution, e.g. and The presenter of this talk will explore the page more thoroughly later.

I also suggest, while you are out of the ODP presentation, showing | the German law Git repository as an example of version control for things other than code.

Introduction to the Command Line

--link to website?--

Introduction to Version Control

--get text of previous talk--

Github Demo


Ethics and History of Free Software


Staying Involved

  • Join our general mailing list.
  • Join the alumni mailing list.
  • Hang out with us on IRC.
  • Training missions?
  • Bug list?
  • Meetups?
  • Programs like GSoC and GNOME outreach.