Open Source Comes to Campus/Tasks for Oct 18th: Difference between revisions

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* -- this requires looking at the bug, and seeing you also experience the bug, and then posting a note on the bug indicating if you do or don't experience the bug. If we're all lucky, the bug has gone away, and you can leave a note indicating that it can be closed! If not, then you can help us prioritize it by indicating that the problem remains.
* -- this requires looking at the bug, and seeing you also experience the bug, and then posting a note on the bug indicating if you do or don't experience the bug. If we're all lucky, the bug has gone away, and you can leave a note indicating that it can be closed! If not, then you can help us prioritize it by indicating that the problem remains.
** Skills you'll need (to have, or to learn): Using websites; leaving a comment on GitHub.

* -- Two template files have confusing filenames. We would like someone to rename them!
* -- Two template files have confusing filenames. We would like someone to rename them!
** Skills you'll need (to have, or to learn): Using git; reading Python code.

* -- Adjust a link in our documentation, so that it no longer points people at a URL that does not load properly.
* -- Adjust a link in our documentation, so that it no longer points people at a URL that does not load properly.
** Skills you'll need (to have, or to learn): Reading rST (marked up text) files.

* -- Some of the images on website need ALT text added. The bug covers this and one other accessibility-related issue.
* -- Some of the images on website need ALT text added. The bug covers this and one other accessibility-related issue.
** Skills you'll need (to have, or to learn): Understanding the purpose of ALT text in images; understanding the notion of accessibility. Finding and editing the templates that power the OpenHatch website.

* -- Find some text in a template, and make it more easily understandable.
* -- Find some text in a template, and make it more easily understandable.
** Skills you'll need (to have, or to learn): Finding an editing the templates that power the OpenHatch wbs

* -- Change some Python code to fix our ''robots.txt'' file, which recently removed the OpenHatch website from search indexes!
* -- Change some Python code to fix our ''robots.txt'' file, which recently removed the OpenHatch website from search indexes!
** Skills you'll need (to have, or to learn): General understanding of the notions of web robots & robots.txt rules. Tracing through a file to find the right file to edit; writing Python/Django code. Preferably, writing a test for Django code.

* -- fix some Python code to request a URL with the right User-Agent header, so that the site does not block our request.
* -- fix some Python code to request a URL with the right User-Agent header, so that the site does not block our request.
** Skills you'll need (to have, or to learn): Reading Python code. Understanding the idea of a User-Agent header. Modifying Python code.

* -- Fix a CSS alignment issue, where some boxes are about 20 pixels mis-aligned with other boxes, on the homepage.
* -- Fix a CSS alignment issue, where some boxes are about 20 pixels mis-aligned with other boxes, on the homepage.
** Skills you'll need (to have, or to learn): Visually identifying layout problems. Finding and modifying CSS files.

* -- For pages that do not have content that fills them entirely, the footer does not stick to the bottom of the page. It could be fixed with a bit of CSS.
* -- For pages that do not have content that fills them entirely, the footer does not stick to the bottom of the page. It could be fixed with a bit of CSS.
** Skills you'll need (to have, or to learn): Visually identifying layout problems. Finding and modifying CSS files.

* -- Fix a data validation problem, where we try to convert a string to an integer and crash when we do not succeed.
* -- Fix a data validation problem, where we try to convert a string to an integer and crash when we do not succeed.
** Skills you'll need (to have, or to learn): Reading & writing Python code; general understanding of data types (string, int, etc.). Writing a test for Django code.

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* -- Sign up for an account on AppVeyor and configure their site to automatically periodically test if oh-mainline runs properly on Windows.
* -- Sign up for an account on AppVeyor and configure their site to automatically periodically test if oh-mainline runs properly on Windows.
** Skills you'll need (to have, or to learn): General familiarity with Windows and git.

* -- add support to the site for Gravatars.
* -- add support to the site for Gravatars.
** Skills you'll need (to have, or to learn): Sizeable understanding of Django, user profile photos, and the (free of cost) Gravatar online service.

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The following issues are not bugs in the website; they're issues in the ''wiki'', our collaborative documentation area. Note that they're on a separate GitHub project called ''open-source-comes-to-campus'', which happens to be related to the event you are at!
The following issues are not bugs in the website; they're issues in the ''wiki'', our collaborative documentation area. Note that they're on a separate GitHub project called ''open-source-comes-to-campus'', which happens to be related to the event you are at!

Skills required for this:
* Following instructions on a wiki page; taking screenshots on your own computer. Optional: requesting admin access to the wiki, in order to be able to upload files.

* Go through the laptop setup pages and add screenshots where you think they would be helpful. The issues say to add images to the issue, but you can upload them directly to the wiki if you like (though you may have to get permissions).
* Go through the laptop setup pages and add screenshots where you think they would be helpful. The issues say to add images to the issue, but you can upload them directly to the wiki if you like (though you may have to get permissions).