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* Accepts Bitcoin donations and allocates them into a single pool of funds.
* Distributes the Bitcoin donations from that pool to anyone who commits to our repositories."
=== Hacker School ===
[https://www.hackerschool.com/ Hacker School website]
"Hacker School is a free, full-time, immersive school in New York for becoming a better programmer. We're like a writers' retreat for programmers. People come from around the world to spend 12 weeks writing code and growing as programmers. We run three sessions a year, called batches, and each batch has about 60 people."
"Hacker School projects are as diverse as the people who come here. The size, scope, and type of projects people build are largely dependent on their current programming level. We encourage people to work on things that are one or two steps beyond their comfort zone, which means newer programmers tend to work on a few small projects, and more advanced programmers tend to tackle larger projects.
Everyone writes free and open source software, because it would be antithetical to Hacker School to write code that couldn't be read, used, and improved by others. Popular projects include networked games, BitTorrent clients, and simple AIs."
Hacker School is free to all attendees, with some female attendees receiving a $5000 stipend.
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