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Alice starts with a vowel.
Alice starts with a vowel.
Ellen starts with a vowel.</pre>
Ellen starts with a vowel.</pre>

Sometimes you want to start with a new empty list, and only add to that list if some condition is true:

>>> vowel_names = []
>>> for name in ["Alice", "Bob", "Cassie", "Deb", "Ellen"]:
... if name[0] in "AEIOU":
... vowel_names.append(name)
>>> print vowel_names
['Alice', 'Ellen']</pre>

== Useful functions related to lists and for loops ==
== Useful functions related to lists and for loops ==
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==== sorting lists ====
==== sorting lists ====

Use <code>.sort()</code> to sort a list:
Use <code>sorted()</code> to sort a list:

>>> names = ["Eliza", "Joe", "Henry", "Harriet", "Wanda", "Pat"]
>>> names = ["Eliza", "Joe", "Henry", "Harriet", "Wanda", "Pat"]
>>> names.sort()
>>> sorted(names)
>>> names
['Eliza', 'Harriet', 'Henry', 'Joe', 'Pat', 'Wanda']
['Eliza', 'Harriet', 'Henry', 'Joe', 'Pat', 'Wanda']

Latest revision as of 19:06, 11 October 2012

Numbers: integers and floats

  • Integers don't have a decimal place.
  • Floats have a decimal place.
  • Math mostly works the way it does on a calculator, and you can use parentheses to override the order of operations.

Math: addition, subtraction, multiplication

addition: 2 + 2
subtraction: 0 - 2
multiplication: 2 * 3

Math: division

>>> 4 / 2
>>> 1 / 2
  • Integer division produces an integer. You need a number that knows about the decimal point to get a decimal out of division:
>>> 1.0 / 2
>>> float(1) / 2


  • Strings are bits of text, and contain characters like numbers, letters, whitespace, and punctuation.
  • String are surrounded by quotes.
  • Use triple-quotes (""") to create whitespace-preserving multi-line strings.
>>> "Hello"

String concatenation

>>> "Hello" + "World"
>>> "Hello" + "World" + 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
>>> "Hello" + "World" + str(1)

Printing strings

>>> print "Hello" + "World"
>>> name = "Jessica"
>>> print "Hello " + name
Hello Jessica
>>> print """In 2009,
...     The monetary component of the Nobel Prize
...         was US $1.4 million."""
In 2009,
    The monetary component of the Nobel Prize
        was US $1.4 million.


  • There are two booleans, True and False.
  • Use booleans to make decisions.

Containment with 'in' and 'not in'

>>> "H" in "Hello"
>>> "a" not in ["a", "b", "c"]


  • == tests for equality
  • != tests for inequality
  • <, <=, >, and >= have the same meaning as in math class.
>>> 0 == 0
>>> 0 == 1
"a" != "a"
"a" != "A"

Use with if/else blocks

  • When Python encounters the if keyword, it evaluates the expression following the keyword and before the colon. If that expression is True, Python executes the code in the indented code block under the if line. If that expression is False, Python skips over the code block.
temperature = 32
if temperature > 60 and temperature < 75:
    print "It's nice and cozy in here!"
    print "Too extreme for me."


  • Use lists to store data where order matters.
  • Lists are indexed starting with 0.

List initialization

>>> my_list = []
>>> my_list
>>> your_list = ["a", "b", "c", 1, 2, 3]
>>> your_list
['a', 'b', 'c', 1, 2, 3]

Access and adding elements to a list

>>> len(my_list)
>>> my_list[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
>>> my_list.append("Alice")
>>> my_list
>>> len(my_list)
>>> my_list[0]
>>> my_list.insert(0, "Amy")
>>> my_list
['Amy', 'Alice']
>>> my_list = ['Amy', 'Alice']
>>> 'Amy' in my_list
>>> 'Bob' in my_list

Changing elements in a list

>>> your_list = []
>>> your_list.append("apples")
>>> your_list[0]
>>> your_list[0] = "bananas"
>>> your_list

Slicing lists

>>> her_list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']
>>> her_list[0]
>>> her_list[0:3]
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> her_list[:3]
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> her_list[-1]
>>> her_list[5:]
['f', 'g', 'h']
>>> her_list[:]
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h']

Strings are a lot like lists

>>> my_string = "Hello World"
>>> my_string[0]
>>> my_string[:5]
>>> my_string[6:]
>>> my_string = my_string[:6] + "Jessica"
>>> my_string
'Hello Jessica'
  • One big way in which strings are different from lists is that lists are mutable (you can change them), and strings are immutable (you can't change them). To "change" a string you have to make a copy:
>>> h = "Hello"
>>> h[0] = "J"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
>>> h = "J" + h[1:]
>>> h

For loops

Use a for loop to do something to every element in a list.

>>> names = ["Jessica", "Adam", "Liz"]
>>> for name in names:
...     print name
>>> names = ["Jessica", "Adam", "Liz"]
>>> for name in names:
...     print "Hello " + name
Hello Jessica
Hello Adam
Hello Liz

if statements inside for loop

>>> for name in ["Alice", "Bob", "Cassie", "Deb", "Ellen"]:
...     if name[0] in "AEIOU":
...         print name + " starts with a vowel."
Alice starts with a vowel.
Ellen starts with a vowel.

Useful functions related to lists and for loops

sorting lists

Use sorted() to sort a list:

>>> names = ["Eliza", "Joe", "Henry", "Harriet", "Wanda", "Pat"]
>>> sorted(names)
['Eliza', 'Harriet', 'Henry', 'Joe', 'Pat', 'Wanda']

Getting the maximum and minimum values from a list

>>> numbers = [0, 3, 10, -1]
>>> max(numbers)
>>> min(numbers)