Scala Crash Course

From OpenHatch wiki
Revision as of 16:17, 5 July 2011 by imported>Paulproteus (→‎Curriculum)

We would like to increase diversity in the Scala community, and give people an opportunity to participate in Scalathon who don't know Scala yet.

So we're co-organizing the...

Scala Crash Course for women and their frieends


The overall structure of the event is three parts: (1) students arrive and set up their development environment, (2) students optionally listen to a brief lecture on Scala basics, (3) students work hands-on with Scala through exercises. The staff are always available for answering questions one-on-one.

  • 3:30 PM: If you want to arrive early to do laptop setup or ask questions, you can arrive at 3:30.
  • 4 PM: All students should be at the event.
  • 4 - 5 PM: Lecture.
  • 5 - 5:45 PM: Hands-on practice with Scala exercises.
  • 5:45 - 6:15: Food break. (Middle Eastern food from Hummus, sponsored by Scalathon.)
  • 6:15 - 8:00: More hands-on practice time. (Short stretch break at 7:00.)
  • 8:00: It's over! Join up with the documentation crowd, and go out to food and drinks at Philly Lambda. (See also the "Friday" portion of the Scalathon schedule.

Venue and location

The event is part of Scalathon, held at the University


  • To be determined. Runar wrote on the teachers list about using his office's Scala tutorial content, which sounds like a good starting point.

Dev environment setup