Setting up the web app: Difference between revisions

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* [[/Windows|Windows]] (XP, Vista, or 7)
* [[/Ubuntu and Debian|Ubuntu and Debian]]
== Section 3: ColorWall Setup==
You'll be writing effects for a ColorWall like the one in this video!
<li>Download the ColorWall project from
<li>Windows users, try first. The file should automatically get uncompressed when you download it.</li>
<li>OS X and Linux users can use either the .zip or .tar.gz file.</li>
<li>The ColorWall project has no dependencies to install on common, modern Windows, OS X, and Linux* distributions. To confirm that you have no dependencies to install, at Python prompt run:
<pre>import Tkinter</pre>
If that command results in an <code>ImportError</code>, let a staff member know and we'll help get your dependencies set up. (*On some Debian installation, when you <code>import Tkinter</code> it will tell you that you need to install the <code>python-tk</code> package, which you should do)</li>
<li>Run the example effects</li>
== Section 4: Configuring your accounts on the web ==
Anonymous user