Software Freedom Day 2011 Boston/Schedule: Difference between revisions

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We divided the afternoon into two so that more experienced contributors can discuss nitty-gritty, while newcomers to software freedom can learn the basics.
We divided the afternoon into two so that more experienced contributors can discuss nitty-gritty, while newcomers to software freedom can learn the basics.

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=== 1:30 - 2:00: Deborah Nicholson, on how to message free software ===

When explaining free software to newcomers to the movement, it's important to speak to their experience. Learn from Deborah Nicholson's experience.

=== 2:15 - 2:45: Jesse Vincent, on how to make money with free software ===

In 2011, making money with free, open source software is commonplace. But Jesse Vincent's story is unusual: he founded Best Practical, one of the first free software businesses, and today also makes money through selling free software in the Android Marketplace.

=== 3:00 - 3:30: TBA ===

=== 3:45 - 4:15: TBA ===

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=== 1:30 - 2:00: Jessica McKellar, on cool command-line skills ===
Jessica McKellar is a software engineer at Ksplice, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oracle. In this tutorial, you will learn how to manipulate data in text form using standard free software tools. You will come away from it a sense of why plain text is so widely-liked in free software culture.

A hand-out will be provided so you can practice the skills at home.

=== 2:15 - 2:45: Danny Piccirillo, on the basics of cross-platform video editing ===

Today, free software can help you edit and mix video and audio. Learn more as long-time video free culture fan Danny Piccirillo teaches you the basics of one such tool.

A hand-out will be provided so you can practice the skills at home.

=== 3:00 - 3:30: Oliver Day, on the the solid basics of online security ===

Learn from Oliver Day on the Akamai security team how you can stay safe online. You'll learn about tools like PGP, SSH, SSL, and Tor, but more importantly you'll leave with an understanding of the basics of security that will serve you in an ongoing fashion.

A hand-out will be provided so you can review at home.

=== 3:45 - 4:15: TBA, on free software tools for remote communication ===

Have you ever wondered how so much free software gets created by contributors across the globe, without working face-to-face? In this tutorial, you will learn how contributors create a "virtual office," sharing text, code, and graphic design work through tools like Mumble, EtherPad, Gobby, Pastebin, and IRC.

