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== Software Freedom Day 2011, in Boston ==
== Software Freedom Day 2011, in Boston ==

You cloudn't pay me to ignore these posts!
=== Schedule ===

On '''Saturday, September 17''':

* 10:00: Registration, and free coffee
* 10:30: Opening keynote by Máirín Duffy, discussing the highly-effective outreach effort called "Fedora Design Ninjas."
* 11:00: Ignite-style presentations by community groups
* Noon: Lunch
* 1:00: "Show and tell" time, where you can speak with community groups
* 1:30 - 4:30: Two tracks: Installation help and tutorials (for newcomers to free software), and community organizing talks with Q&A (for ongoing contributors)
* 4:30-5:00: Wrap-up
* 5:00 to 7:00: After-party, at [ Tommy Doyle's in Harvard Square] (some tickets for drinks will be available for attendees thanks to the generous support of the [ Open Innovation Network])

<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 2em; color: FF6D3D;">
[ Click here to sign up!]

The detailed schedule is available at [[Software Freedom Day 2011 Boston/Schedule|the schedule page]]. Note that it is still in flux!

=== Venue ===
=== Venue ===