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Snakes Pygame: Difference between revisions

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=== 3. Give the game a better background ===
The game has a pretty boring solid color background. Spice it up by adding a background image. We've provided a sample background fileimage callcalled <code>leaves.jpg</code> in the Snakes directory, but create and add your own if you want!
Use [http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/image.html#pygame.image.load pygame.image.load] to load the background. You'll need to re-display the background on every tick of the game, just like we currently do with the solid color using <code>game_surface.fill(BACKGROUND_COLOR)</code>.
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Test your changes by re-running the game and holding down the arrow key while moving your snake around.
=== 5. HandleMake quitthe andfood restartlook keymore pressesinteresting ===
Snake food is just a solid-colored square. Spice it up by using an image instead. We've provided a sample food image called <code>cherry.png</code> in the Snakes directory, but create and add your own if you want!
Currently, in the <code>Food</code> class <code>self.surface</code> is filled with a random color. Use [http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/image.html#pygame.image.load pygame.image.load] to load and use the food image instead.
Test your changes by re-running the game and observing that your custom food image is used.
=== 6. Handle quit and restart key presses ===
I want to keep playing! So far, there's no way to quit (besides closing the window) or restart the game.
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