Static site hosting: Difference between revisions

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* Asheesh created an account with Nearly Free Speech.
* The '''staticsites''' shell account has one directory per static site that we generate. Each directory contains an script that gets the latest version from git and pushes it to the hosting provider. (Right now, this just covers
* Right now, the "sip" shell account on maps to the BPW website URL. Asheesh plans to set up a new "staticsites" shell account to have the info + authentication secrets to push the files to Rackspace Cloud Files rather than have Apache/nginx serve them out of /home/sip/.
* All SSH keys from the deploy account have been copied (on a one-time basis, on 2011-11-26) to the staticsites shell account.
** InThe thestaticsites future,shell maybe,account the BPW repo will hopefully containhas enough info (except+ authentication secrets) for people to do athis push to to work.
== Old setup (deprecated) ==
* Right now, the "sip" shell account on maps to the BPW website URL. Asheesh plans to set up a new "staticsites" shell account to have the info + authentication secrets to push the files to Rackspace Cloud Files rather than have Apache/nginx serveserves those themsites out of /home/sip/.