Boston Python Workshop/Saturday/Web app project

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On Saturday, you can write and deploy a web application. It's an online poll where visitors can view choices (a bit of text, plus an image) and vote the option up and down.

My notes about this


Note: This is one long page. It will take most of the afternoon to go through it.

If you stick with it, you will have deployed a web application to the world, where other people can play with it, and where you can modify it.

This is based heavily on the official tutorial for the Django web programming framework.

Writing your first Django app, part 1

Let’s learn by example.

Throughout this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the creation of a basic poll application.

It’ll consist of two parts:

  • A public site that lets people view polls and vote in them.
  • An admin site that lets you add, change and delete polls.

Switch to the right directory

  • In a terminal (or GitBash), get into the django_projects directory we created in the Friday setup portion of the tutorial. You can do that by typing this into your terminal:
cd Desktop
cd django_projects

In the Friday setup portion of the workshop, you already saw how to use the command to start a project. The workshop coordinators already created a project, and you already forked it on Github. So now, you'll clone that to your computer.

  • Go to
  • Find your clone of workshop_mysite. Find the SSH URL for it, and copy that to the clipboard.
  • In the terminal, type: git clone followed by the URL for your personal fork of the workshop_mysite repository.
  • Make sure you can "cd" into it:
cd workshop_mysite

Look at the files

Let’s look at files are in the project:


These files are:

  • An empty file that tells Python that this directory should be considered a Python package. (Read more about packages in the official Python docs if you're a Python beginner.)
  • A command-line utility that lets you interact with this Django project in various ways. You can read all the details about in and
  • Settings/configuration for this Django project. Django settings will tell you all about how settings work.
  • The URL declarations for this Django project; a "table of contents" of your Django-powered site. You can read more about URLs in URL dispatcher.

The development server

Let's verify this worked. If you haven't already, and run the command python runserver. You'll see the following output on the command line:

Validating models... 0 errors found.

Django version 1.0, using settings 'mysite.settings' Development server is running at Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

You've started the Django development server, a lightweight Web server written purely in Python. The Django maintainers include this web server, but on a "deployment" like, you typically tie Django into an existing server like Apache.

Now that the server's running, visit with your Web browser. You'll see a "Welcome to Django" page, in pleasant, light-blue pastel. It worked!

Fixing security settings

Right now, everyone in the workshop has the same SECRET_KEY. According to the Django documentation, that is bad. So open up in your editor (for example, Komodo Edit). is a Python script that only contains variable definitions. (Django looks at the values of these variables when it runs your web app.)

Find the variable named SECRET_KEY and set it to whatever string you want. Go on, we'll wait.

Database setup

Keep looking at it has a dictionary with one key: default.

The value is itself another dictionary with information about the site's default database. You can see from the NAME that the Django project uses a file called database.db to store information.

Pop quiz: Does database.db exist right now?

While you're editing, take note of the INSTALLED_APPS setting towards the bottom of the file. That variable holds the names of all Django applications that are activated in this Django instance. Apps can be used in multiple projects, and you can package and distribute them for use by others in their projects.

By default, INSTALLED_APPS contains the following apps, all of which come with Django:

  • django.contrib.auth -- An authentication system.
  • django.contrib.contenttypes -- A framework for content types.
  • django.contrib.sessions -- A session framework.
  • django.contrib.sites -- A framework for managing multiple sites with one Django installation.
  • django.contrib.messages -- A messaging framework.

These applications are included by default as a convenience.

Each of these applications makes use of at least one database table, so we need to create the tables in the database before we can use them. To do that, run the following command:

python syncdb

The syncdb command looks at the INSTALLED_APPS setting and creates any necessary database tables according to the database settings in your file. You'll see a message for each database table it creates, and you'll get a prompt asking you if you'd like to create a superuser account for the authentication system. Go ahead and do that.

Part 1.5: Creating polls

Creating models

Now that your environment -- a "project" -- is set up, you're set to start building the poll.

Each application you write in Django consists of a Python package, somewhere on your Python path, that follows a certain convention. Django comes with a utility that automatically generates the basic directory structure of an app, so you can focus on writing code rather than creating directories.

Projects vs. apps

We've talked a little about Django apps and projects. You might be wondering what the difference is.

Here are the things to know:

  • A project contains one more apps.
  • An app is component of a website that does something. For example, the Django administration app is something you'll see later in this tutorial
  • A project corresponds to a website: it contains a file, so it has a corresponding database.

Django apps can live anywhere on the "Python path." That just means that you have to be able to import them when your Django project runs.

In this tutorial, we'll create our poll app in the workshop_mysite directory for simplicity. In the future, when you decide that the world needs to be able to use your poll app and plug it into their own projects, you can publish that directory separately.

To create your app, make sure you're in the workshop_mysite directory and type this command:

python startapp polls

That'll create a directory polls, which is laid out like this:


This directory structure will house the poll application.

The first step in writing a database Web app in Django is to define your models -- essentially, your database layout, with additional metadata.


A model is the single, definitive source of data about your data. It contains the essential fields and behaviors of the data you're storing. Django follows the DRY ("Don't Repeat Yourself") Principle. The goal is to define your data model in one place and automatically derive things from it.

(If you've used SQL before, you might be interested to know that each Django model corresponds to a SQL table.)

In our simple poll app, we'll create two models: polls and choices. A poll has a question and a publication date. A choice has two fields: the text of the choice and a vote tally. Each choice is associated with a poll. (FIXME: Add image to Choice.)

These concepts are represented by simple Python classes. Edit the polls/ file so it looks like this:

from django.db import models

class Poll(models.Model):
    question = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')

class Choice(models.Model):
    poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll)
    choice = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    votes = models.IntegerField()

All models in Django code are represented by a class that subclasses django.db.models.Model. Each model has a number of class variables, each of which represents a database field in the model.

Each field is represented by an instance of a Field class -- e.g., CharField for character fields and DateTimeField for datetimes. This tells Django what type of data each field holds.

The name of each Field instance (e.g. question or pub_date ) is the field's name, in machine-friendly format. You'll use this value in your Python code, and your database will use it as the column name.

The pub_date field has something unique about it: a human-readable name, "date published". One feature of Django Field classes is that if you pass in a first argument for most fields, Django will use this in a couple of introspective parts of Django, and it doubles as documentation. If the human-readable isn't provided, Django will use the machine-readable name. In this example, we've only defined a human-readable name for Poll.pub_date. For all other fields in this model, the field's machine-readable name will suffice as its human-readable name.

Some Field classes have required elements. CharField, for example, requires that you give it a max_length. That's used not only in the database schema, but in validation, as we'll soon see.

Finally, note a relationship is defined, using ForeignKey. That tells Django each Choice is related to a single Poll. Django supports all the common database relationships: many-to-ones, many-to-manys and one-to-ones.

Activating models

That small bit of model code gives Django a lot of information. With it, Django is able to:

  • Create a database schema (CREATE TABLE statements) for this app.
  • Create a Python database-access API for accessing Poll and Choice objects.

But first we need to tell our project that the polls app is installed.

Django Philosophy

Django apps are "pluggable": You can use an app in multiple projects, and you can distribute apps, because they don't have to be tied to a given Django installation.

Edit the file again, and change the INSTALLED_APPS setting to include the string 'polls'. So it'll look like this:


Now Django knows to include the polls app.

If you care about SQL, you can try the following command:

  • python sql polls

For now, let's just Django's syncdb tool to create the database tables for Poll objects:

python syncdb

The syncdb looks for apps that have not yet been set up. To set them up, it runs the necessary SQL commands against your database. This creates all the tables, initial data and indexes for any apps you have added to your project since the last time you ran syncdb. syncdb can be called as often as you like, and it will only ever create the tables that don't exist.

Read the documentation for full information on what the utility can do.

Playing with the database

During Friday setup, you installed SQLite Manager into your system's Firefox. Now's a good time to open it up.


Playing with the API

Now, let's hop into the interactive Python shell and play around with the free API Django gives you. To invoke the Python shell, use this command:

python shell

We're using this instead of simply typing "python", because sets up the project's environment for you. "Setting up the environment" involves two things:

   Putting polls on sys.path. For flexibility, several pieces of Django refer to projects in Python dotted-path notation (e.g. 'polls.models'). In order for this to work, the polls package has to be on sys.path.
   We've already seen one example of this: the INSTALLED_APPS setting is a list of packages in dotted-path notation.
   Setting the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable, which gives Django the path to your file.

Once you're in the shell, explore the database API:

Let's import the model classes we just wrote:

>>> from polls.models import Poll, Choice

To list all the current Polls:

>>> Poll.objects.all()

It is an empty list because there are no polls. Let's add one!

>>> import datetime
>>> p = Poll(question="What's up?",

Then we'll save the object into the database. You have to call save() explicitly.


Great. Now, because it's been saved, it has an ID in the database. You can see that by typing this into the Python shell:


You can also access the database columns (Fields, in Django parlance) as Python attributes:

>>> p.question
"What's up?"
>>> p.pub_date
datetime.datetime(2007, 7, 15, 12, 00, 53)

We can time travel back in time! Or at least, we can send the Poll back in time:

# Change values by changing the attributes, then calling save().
>>> p.pub_date = datetime.datetime(2007, 4, 1, 0, 0)

Finally, we can also ask Django to show a list of all the Poll objects available:

>>> Poll.objects.all()
[<Poll: Poll object>]

Wait a minute. <Poll: Poll object> is, utterly, an unhelpful representation of this object. Let's fix that by editing the polls model (in the polls/ file) and adding a __unicode__() method to both Poll and Choice:

class Poll(models.Model):
    # ...
    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.question
class Choice(models.Model):
    # ...
    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.choice

It's important to add __unicode__() methods to your models, not only for your own sanity when dealing with the interactive prompt, but also because objects' representations are used throughout Django's automatically-generated admin.

(If you're using to Python programming from a time in the past, you might have seen __str__(). Django prefers you use __unicode__() instead.)

Note these are normal Python methods. Let's add a custom method, just for demonstration:

import datetime
# ...
class Poll(models.Model):
    # ...
    def was_published_today(self):
        return ==

Note the addition of import datetime to reference Python's standard datetime module.

Save these changes and start a new Python interactive shell by running python shell again:

>>> from polls.models import Poll, Choice

Check it out: our __unicode__() addition worked:

>>> Poll.objects.all()
[<Poll: What's up?>]

If you want to search your database, you can do it using the filter method on the objects attribute of Poll. For example:

>>> p = Poll.objects.filter(question="What's up?")
>>> p
[<Poll: What's up?>]

If you try to search for a poll that does not exist, filter will give you the empty list. The get method will always return one hit, or raise an exception.

>>> Poll.objects.filter(question="What time is it?")
>>> Poll.objects.get(id=1)
<Poll: What's up?>
>>> Poll.objects.get(id=2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
DoesNotExist: Poll matching query does not exist.

Adding choices

Right now, we have a Poll in the database, but it has no Choices. See:

>>> p = Poll.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> p.choice_set.all()

So let's create three choices:

>>> p.choice_set.create(choice='Not much', votes=0)
<Choice: Not much>
>>> p.choice_set.create(choice='The sky', votes=0)
<Choice: The sky>
>>> c = p.choice_set.create(choice='Just hacking again', votes=0)
<Choice: Just hacking again>

Every Choice can find the Poll that it belongs to:

>>> c.poll
<Poll: What's up?>

We just used this, but now I'll explain it: Because a Poll can have more than one Choice, Django creates the choice_set attribute on each Poll. You can use that to look at the list of available Choices, or to create them.

>>> p.choice_set.all()
[<Choice: Not much>, <Choice: The sky>, <Choice: Just hacking again>]
>>> p.choice_set.count()

Visualize the database in SQLite Manager


Enough databases for now

Finally, in the next step, we'll see all this in the Django administration interface. Then we can add an image to these Choices.

Part 2: Letting the world see your polls, with views

Part 2.5: Deploy your web app!

Part 3: Let people vote

Part 3.5: Deploy again!

Part 4: Editing your polls in the Django admin interface

Part 4.5: Deploy again, again!