
From OpenHatch wiki
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What is a Starling?

Starlings are people who are interested in free software projects who have successfully completed a Starling Bounty.

Starling Bounties are clear, focused guides for new contributors to do something useful in an existing free software project. We want to turn people who love using free software into budding contributors, our own little OpenHatchlings on their way to becoming rising stars of free software!

Can I see an example?

Starling Bounties are inspired by Máirín Duffy's success in getting new contributors to Fedora through Fedora Design Bounties.

What we offer you

  • The completion of one task, usually squashing of some bug.
  • Hopefully at least one contributor who will stick around.
  • Exposure to potential contributors, along with the information needed to learn how to contribute.

In exchange, we need some help and commitment from you.

How to get your project involved

If your project has a simple task, doable in around 10 days, which needs to be done (fix some bug, work on some design, write some documentation, etc), we can help each other! For a project to get involved, they need to provide the following:

  • An intro-level task which needs completion
    • Should be well scoped and clearly defined, with a definite end.
  • Documentation on the process to complete the task
    • Should be step-by-step
  • Motivation for the contributor
    • List of skills they will acquire, knowledge and experience they will gain, and impact their contribution will make.
  • A project contact
    • Someone from your project to see this through to completion

We'll provide the writeup.

If this sounds like fun, email us at

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is there a prize for Starlings?

A. The prizes:

  • They will be featured on a page of successful starlings.
  • We want there to be some clear benefit within the project -- perhaps commit access, or at least an email to the -devel list with congratulations.
  • Their contribution should have a visible impact for users that they can be proud of.
  • They will have earned their wings as from a free software supporter to a contributor. That warm and fuzzy feeling.
  • Maybe we can/should send them chocolate and a congrats card (drawn by Karen)?

Round one

Danny Piccirillo and Asheesh are launching this effort in what we call: