What You Missed

From OpenHatch wiki
Revision as of 04:19, 1 October 2013 by imported>Shauna

This page is for students who missed some or all of an Open Source Comes to Campus event.

If you run into any trouble following this guide, feel free to email us or join us on IRC!

Laptop Setup

To set up your computer, go to our Laptop Setup page.

Intro to Open Source Tools

There's a web version of the morning "Intro to Open Source tools" talk here. It's in rough shape, so if you have any questions please do feel free to ask. Hopefully we'll get a better version up shortly.

Bug Comprehension

This bug comprehension activity comes in the middle of the Open Source Tools lecture. Currently it doesn't have the explanations documented, so when you're finished reading and thinking, hop on IRC.


At the event, we likely did some version of the Practicing Git activity. That's difficult to reproduce online (though we can try if you ask us on IRC!) so you might try the Git training mission instead.

Picking a Project

We used this handout (warning: auto-downloaded PDF) to work through the process of finding a project to contribute to. Although the handout is phrased for working in pairs, you can just apply the questions to yourself. (Or find a person to partner with! You can do this with a friend or classmate, or someone on the #openhatch IRC.)

Projects Time

We spent the last part of the day contributing to open source projects. If you need help identifying good issues to work on, join us on #openhatch and we'll do our best to help you out.