Adding a dependency
This is a page about improving or modifying OpenHatch.
We call that "Hacking OpenHatch," and there is a whole category of pages about that.
Using buildout: adding a dependency
- Find the Python package name of the dependency. This will appear in the package's own file (as a parameter called "name" passed to the setup function).
- Edit milestone-a/
- Add the dependency's Python package name to "install_requires". You may optionally include a version number.
- If you haven't already, create a tarball of the Python package as follows:
- cd to the package's top-level directory, where is
- Run `python sdist`
- This creates a tarball of your Python package in dist/.
- Host a tarball of the Python package at some public URL. (This is in order to cache a copy of the package somewhere everyone can reliably reach it.)
- (or just ask paulproteus to host it on the server.)
- Add the tarball URL to the list called "dependency_links" in milestone-a/, appending the string "#egg=the package name" to the URL.
- Add the package name to milestone-a/buildout.cfg under "eggs".
- Run bin/buildout
Some things to remember...
- If you have problems adding a dependency, you may have a local version which is usually under /usr/local/lib/ --
- First make sure you have the dependency name right, unpack the dependency archive (either tar xvf or unzip),
- then look for the file - in there you'll find the name="some_package" - This is the name you should be adding to and buildout.cfg.
- Now, make sure you haven't got it locally, use the mysite shell - $ ./bin/mysite shell, then try importing your dependency.
- Remember to jump on #openhatch on freenode if you get stuck.