Boston Python Workshop 5/Friday/Windows Python scripts

We are going to practice writing and running Python scripts.

Start your text editor

  1. Launch the Notepad++ text editor. See the Windows text editor setup instructions for the steps to do this.
  2. Start a new, blank text file.

Write and save a short Python script

  1. Add the following line to your new text file:
print "Hello World!"
  1. Save the script as in your Desktop directory. The .py extension indicates that this file contains Python code.

Knowledge wants to be free, just like these artilces!


You created and ran your first Python script!

  • When you run the python command by itself, you start a Python prompt. You can execute Python code interactively at that prompt.
  • When you run the python command with a file name as an argument, Python executes the Python code in that file.

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