Chicago Python Workshop/Code of Conduct

From OpenHatch wiki

Code of Conduct

The Chicago Python Workshop runs workshops to bring more women into the Chicago Python community by offering an accepting and secure environment where they can learn and practice Python coding skills. We are dedicated to providing a harassment-free learning experience for all women and their friends.

Accordingly, all attendees and volunteers are expected to show respect and courtesy to each other throughout the workshop. We value the participation of everyone and want attendees to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Be patient and kind. Help make this a welcoming and beginner friendly place.

To make clear what is expected, All at any workshop are required to conform to the following Code of Conduct. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event:

Honor the rules established for who is invited to attend the workshop.

All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of many different backgrounds and skill levels.

We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Harassment includes offensive comments related to skill level, gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. Other forms of harassment include display of sexual images in workshop spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, disruptive behavior, inappropriate physical contact, violence, and unwelcome sexual attention or innuendo.

Participants who engage in harassing behavior are to comply immediately when asked to stop. The organizers may take actions ranging from warning the offender to asking the offender to leave the workshop. A more detailed list of actions can be found in the staff procedures for handling incidents.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please let a volunteer know. Volunteers can be identified by badges. Volunteers will take action to help you. Guidelines for reporting incidents can be found in the attendee procedures for reporting incidents.

We expect participants to follow these rules at all workshop events and workshop-related social events.

Contact Information

The cpw-staff mailing list reaches all of the Chicago Python Workshop organizers.

[email protected]

During workshops, volunteers will be wearing special badges.

Incident Procedures

Chicago Python Workshop/Code of Conduct/Staff Procedures for Handling Incidents

Chicago Python Workshop/Code of Conduct/Attendee Procedures for Reporting Incidents


This code of conduct is based on materials provided by and and