Easy bugs for newcomers
Several Free/Open Source Software projects maintain lists of "easy hacks" (or "easy bugs", or "newcomer bugs", or similar expressions depending on the project), meant to be good starting points for new code contributors.
Below you can find a list of such "easy hacks" listings, for well-known FOSS projects.
Lists of Easy Bugs for Newcomers, per project
(Please keep the list sorted alphabetically by FOSS project name. For each project we try to give both a pointer to the actual list of easy hacks and a "more info" link pointing to extra information about the initiative.)
- Debian: newcomber bugs, more info
- Django: easy tickets, more info
- Eclipse: newcomer bugs, more info, hackathons
- Fedora: easy fix, more info
- GNOME: gnome-love bugs, more info
- KDE: junior jobs, more info, dev guide
- LibreOffice: easy hacks, more info
- Linux Kernel: drivers/staging/*/TODO files (browse starting from drivers/staging)
- Mediawiki: annoying little bugs, more info
- Mozilla: good first bug, more info
- Mozilla: what can I do for Mozilla (coding part)
- ONOS: starters bugs
- OpenMRS: introductory issues, more info
- OpenOffice: easy hacks and simple hacks, more info
- OpenStack: low hanging fruit, more info
- Python: easy issues, more info
- Ubuntu: bitesize bugs
- VLC: easy bugs
Aggregations of Easy Bugs for Newcomers, spanning multiple projects
- OpenHatch: bite size bugs
- OpenHatch: recommended projects (they all include lists of tasks for new contributors)
- IssueHub: issues tagged "help wanted"
- Up For Grabs