O'Reilly Introduction to Python/Section 1/OSX set up Python
We are going to install Python version 3.4.1.
If you already have Python installed, check the Python version: if the version number starts with a 3 (as opposed to a 2), you can use it for this class and can skip to checking your Python installation.
Download and install Python
- If you are running OS X version 10.6 or later, click https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.4.1/python-3.4.1-macosx10.6.dmg to download the Python installer.
- If you are running OS X version 10.5, click and download the Python installer from this link instead.
- If you have a version of OS X older than 10.5, please upgrade to a newer version of OS X before installing Python.
Once the download is complete, double-click on the installer to run it and complete the installation.
Checking your Python installation
- Start up a Terminal. You can find the Terminal application through Spotlight, or navigate to Applications/Utilities/Terminal.
This terminal is another way of navigating your computer and running programs -- just textually instead of graphically. We are going to be running Python and Python scripts from this Terminal prompt. - Test your Python install at the command prompt. Type
and press Enter. You should see something like
Python 3.4.1 (v3.4.1:d047928ae3f6, May 13 2013, 12:45:22) [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>
You just started Python! The
indicates that you are at a new type of prompt -- a Python prompt. The command prompt let's you navigate your computer and run programs, and the Python prompt lets you write and run Python code interactively.
- To exit the Python prompt, type
and press Enter. This will take you back to the OS X terminal prompt.
You have tested your Python installation.