Open Data Day
- Location: BoCoup Loft
- Time: Saturday, February 23rd, 1-5pm
- If you haven't signed up already, do so here. (You don't need to sign up to come, but it makes my life easier.)
A Vague Schedule
- 1:00pm: Kickoff
- 2:00pm: Pizza!
- 4:45pm: Wrap up - Talk about the projects you worked on during Open Data Day. Brag, get feedback, and maybe even recruit new volunteers for your project.
- Intro to Programming Using Open Government Data
- What it is: A version of the successful Boston Python Workshop altered to use open government data examples and to highlight simple, useful skills such as visualization and statistics.
- For more info: visit this page or email Shauna.
- Ways to contribute:
- Help work on our Saturday Projects - the visualization one especially needs work.
- Give feedback on our Saturday projects. Experienced programmers who have suggestions for alternate ways to structure the projects, and new programmers who can pinpoint when the projects are too confusing, are all welcome.
- Go through the Boston Python Workshop curriculum and note when examples are used that could be replaced with government data examples.
- Help create a presentation (powerpoint? prezi?) highlighting open gov projects and the novel ways they use data.
- Introduction to Open Science Course Sprint
- What it is: A sprint run by Creative Commons and Peer 2 Peer University to build an open course called Open Science: An Introduction.
- Who to talk to: Locally - Shauna, globally - Billy Meinke
- Ways to contribute:
- See this planning document for concrete ideas. It looks like they're hoping to break down work by topic and build content. We might be especially helpful for looking at where open government intersects with open science, such as creating a module on laws and court cases relating to open science.
- Other potential projects:
- Projects from other Open Data Day hackathons
- Adopt-a-Hydrant
- MapIt
- WhereDoesMyMoneyGo
- Open Data Census Challenge
- Make video demos ("How To"s) of skills/resources?
- OpenCities
- Stenographic record of public meetings of Boston City Council... stenograph stenonote .sgstn format in plain English format (Plover )
- Projects from other Open Data Day hackathons