Open Source Comes to Campus/Pre
- Goal of event
- Hoping to help you organize follow-up events, though we're new to that part of things
- Attendance goals
- OpenHatch contact info:
- Shauna:
- Asheesh:
- Student organizer info:
- 1:
- 2:
- Schedule
- Date picked:
- Detailed schedule:
- Location
- Features: wireless access, equipment for projecting, space for 40+ people (ideally two rooms at least one of which can hold all the attendees at once), food + drink allowed, power outlets, easy to access both for university affiliates and non affiliates
- Chosen location:
- Funding
- Food
- Honorarium
- Make shared spreadsheet of contacts
- Save the date as soon as day picked
- Main publicity push:
- Make website + sign up survey
- Physical flyers put around campus
- Reminder emails 2-3 days before event
Timeline expectations
Ideal timeline in (), fill out with dates customized for each campus
- Select date + save the date sent out (5 weeks before):
- Location selected (4 weeks before):
- Website + signups up for review (3.5 weeks before):
- Main publicity push done (3 weeks before):