Open Source Comes to Campus

Revision as of 21:46, 23 July 2012 by (talk)


Places I'd like to take the tour:

  • San Francisco
    • Berkeley
      • First day of classes: Thursday, August 23 2012 [1]
      • Contacts:
        • AWE (undergraduate women in CS group [2] (contact info at link)
        • WISCE (graduate women in CS group) [3]: outreach coordinator Colleen Lewis -
        • HackBerkeley (potential host) [4]: contact Workshop Team:
    • Stanford
      • First day of classes: Mon Sep 24 [5]
      • Contacts:
        • WIC (women in computer science) [6]: mailing list: (no other contact info on page)
        • ACM (potential host) [7]:
    • SFSU
      • First day of classes: Friday, August 31, 2012 [8]
      • Contacts:
        • WiSE (women in science and engineering - no CS specific group)[9]:
        • ACM (potential host) [10] - no contact info on page
  • Other California schools
    • Caltech (Pasadena)
      • First day of classes: Monday Oct 1st, 2012 [] (PDF)
      • Contacts:
        • Keegan?
        • SWE (society of women engineers) [11]:
        • Caltech Club for Computer Science [12]?
    • UC Davis (Davis)
      • First day of classes: Mon, Sept 24, 2012 [13]
      • Contacts:
        • Phoebe
        • WICS (women in computer science) [14]: President of Board at, other contact here [15]
        • Computer Science Club (potential host) [16]:
  • Illinois
    • UIUC
      • Great PyCon/ACM peeps
      • First day of classes: August 27, 2012 [17]
      • Contacts:
        • WCS (Women in Computer Science) [18]: officers list [19] - perhaps try President Lavanya Iyer ( or webmaster Julia Syi (
        • ACM (potential host) [20]: general questions (, other contacts [21]
  • Baltimore
    • JHU
      • First day of classes: Tue, Sep 4 2012 [22]
      • Contacts:
        • ACM - Email sent on 2012-07-23 suggesting the event. Possible dates: Sep 15-16 (or maybe a Thu+Sat structure).
        • WiCS (women in computer science) [23] - no clear contact info
  • Oregon
    • Portland State
      • First Day of classes: Sep 26 [24]
      • Contacts: People from Open Source Bridge
      • To work with the CAT group there. Contact-points sorted by how excellent they are for contact, most-excellent first: topdog AT ; psuacm AT ; bart AT
      • I just pinged topdog and bart, suggesting Sep 29+30. Paulproteus (talk) 01:55, 17 July 2012 (UTC)
  • NYC
    • Cornell?
      • Contact: rmo, or people he knows or can get me in touch with
    • NYU partner with ITP?)
  • Texas
    • University of Texas at Austin
      • Contact: Kartik, possibly
    • Rice (in Houston)
      • First day of classes: Mon, Aug 20th, 2012 [26]
      • Contacts:
        • CSters (women in computing) [27]: links to various officers here [28]
        • Rice Computer Club (potential host) [29]: Joan Chao (
  • Boston
    • Harvard
      • Contact: HCS people, or Felice
  • Western Mass
    • U Mass Amherst
      • First day of classes: Tuesday, September 4th, 2012 [30]
      • Contacts:
        • CS Women (computer science women's group) [31]:
        • UMASS ACM (potential host) [32]:
  • Seattle
    • University of Wasington
      • First day of classes: Monday, Sept 24th, 2012 [33]
      • Contacts:
        • WICSE (women in computer science and engineering) [34]
        • ACM-W (ACM women's chapter) [35]:
  • Providence
    • Brown
      • Contact: Historic Brown Free Culture people?
  • Philadelphia
    • Penn
      • Contact: Yuvi, perhaps
  • Canada!
    • McGill
      • Contact: Biella
  • Chicago
    • UChicago
      • First day of classes: Thursday, Sept 27th 2012 [36]
      • Contacts:
        • WIS (Women In Science) [37]:
        • ACM [38]
    • UIC (U of Illinois at Chicago)
      • First day of classes: Monday Aug 27th, 2012 [39]
      • Contacts:
        • WiCS (women in computer science) [40] (fairly out of date/uninformative - maybe try Anushka Anand [41] or Habiba Habiba [42] WiSC officers from 2010-2011 year)
        • ACM [43]:
