Opportunities/Travel Grants

From OpenHatch wiki

Financial Aid by conferences

The following conferences offer financial aid for participants to attend.

PyCon US

Large conference in North America centered around the Python language.


JavaScript conference in winter in San Francisco.

  • Link: ForwardJS
  • Financial aid application: Link (will be different for future years)

Strange Loop

Multi-track conference with particular attention to programming languages and distributed systems.


Clojure conference on the West Coast in the Spring

  • Link & Grant information [1]


Series of conferences focused on increasing women's participation in open source.

  • Link: AdaCamp
  • Financial Aid: It can be applied for via the application page for each AdaCamp.

Grace Hopper Conference

The largest gathering of women technologists.

  • Link: Website
  • Financial aid page: Link
  • Note: Travel grants are available only for faculty and students.


PyCon Australia

Grad Cohort Workshop

  • Link: Grad Cohort Workshop
  • Note: The participants for the workshop will be chosen on some pre-determined basis.
  • Eligibility criteria: Women students in their first, second or third year of graduate school in computer science and engineering or a closely related field, who are studying at a US or Canadian institution.

Data Mining Workshop


Financial Aid for conference attendance by organizations

The following organizations offer aid to participants for attending conferences.

Wikimedia Foundation


  • Link: Google Travel and Conference Grants
  • Note: This is reserved for only some specific conferences. For conferences in North America, you are required to be an American citizen.