Philadelphia Python Workshop 9/Projects/Twitter

From OpenHatch wiki


Use the Twitter API to write the basic parts of a Twitter client. See what your friends are tweeting, get trending topics, search tweets, and more!


  • Have fun playing with data from Twitter.
  • See how easy it is to programmatically gather data from social websites that have APIs.
  • Get experience with command line option parsing and passing data to a Python script.
  • Get experience reading other people's code.

Project steps

1. Read through and understand search

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you extracted the Twitter files. If you need a reminder for how to open a terminal and navigate to a directory, follow the [setup goal] from Friday.
  2. The directory you navigate to should contain and
  3. Use your text editor to open and
  4. Use the command line to run python --search with various search terms, e.g.
    • python --search=Python
    • python --search="Red Sox"
  5. Use the text editor to read through the search function in
  6. Trace through the logic in that turns the --search command line option into a call to search.
  7. Find GetSearch in the Twitter library code at What other options could we have used with GetSearch?

Check your understanding: What does api.GetSearch return?

2. Read through and understand trendingTopics

  1. Use the command line to run python --trending-topics
  2. Use the text editor to read through the trendingTopics function in
  3. Trace through the logic in that turns the --trending-topics command line option into a call to search.
  4. Find GetTrendsWoeid in the Twitter library code at How many trending topics does that method return?

Check your understanding: What are the differences between the optparse logic for --search and --trending-topics? You could refer to the optparse module for parsing command-line options:

3. Implement userTweets

  1. Using the search and trendingTopics functions as a reference, implement userTweets in This function should print recent tweets by the username provided on the command line. You may find the twitter.Api() function GetUserTimeline() helpful. Currently, the code in is empty, with only a comment, and a pass statement that allows us to define this function without actually doing anything.
    def userTweets(username):
        Print recent tweets by `username`.
        You may find the twitter.Api() function   GetUserTimeline() helpful.
        To test this function, at the command line run:
            python -u <username>
        For example,
            python -u bostonpython
  2. We've already written some optparse logic for userTweets in Read through that logic. In what ways is it the same/different from the logic for search?
  3. Test your function. You can do this with:
    python -u <username>

    For example,

    python -u Orbitz


    python -u zoro_tools
  4. You should see 20 tweets by the provided username. If you have a Twitter account, try running it on yourself, tweeting something new, and running it again!

Check your understanding: What are the two ways to pass command line arguments for userTweets?

4. Implement trendingTweets

  1. Using the search and trendingTopics functions as a reference, implement trendingTweets in This function should print a couple of recent tweets from each of the currently trending topics.
  2. We've already written some optparse logic for trendingTweets in Read through that logic. In what ways is it the same/different from the logic for search?
  3. Test your function. You can do this with:
    python -w
  4. You should see recent tweets from all of the currently trending topics. Depending on how you implemented your function, you might see a chunk of tweets from each trending topic in turn, or tweets from each topic interleaved.

Check your understanding: What is the purpose of BOSTON_WOEID in

Bonus exercises

If you have time, try out some of these extra exercises.

1. Customize how tweets are printed by search

The tweets printed by search could look much nicer and have more useful metadata!

Customize how tweets are displayed. Look at the Status and User classes in for inspiration; options include displaying:

  • the sender of the tweet
  • the URL for the tweet
  • how many followers the sender has
  • the location of the sender
  • if it was a retweet

and more!

2. Print trending topics by location

Extend trendingTopics so that a Yahoo! Where On Earth ID (WOEID) can be specified on the command line and trending topics for that location will be displayed instead of using the hardcoded CHICAGO_WOEID to only display results for Chicago.

You can look up WOEIDs by location at


You've read, modified, and added code to a software project that makes it easy to get useful information from Twitter. Keep practicing!