Python user groups 2013
Between June 1 2013 and Dec 1 2013:
- At least 3 intro / diversity events get run after consultation with the fellow in each of the first and second half of the fellowship
- At least 3 user groups improve their speaker diversity in the first half of the fellowship and at least 5 user groups improve their speaker diversity in the second half of the fellowship
Within the first month:
- Will announce the project to the group-organizers mailing list.
- By Mon June 10.
- Will actually send Fri June 14; blog post will go live today.
- By Mon June 10.
- Write an outline for the informational index page that has info for user group organizers.
- If time this month, turn that into a high-clarity web page.
- Will probably try to get in person feedback from Michelle Rowley when I visit Portland for Open Source Bridge.
- Will publish the source to the website as a git repository on presumably Github, to accept pull requests and other feedback.
- Outline by June 17.
- Identify 20 Python user groups and get in touch with their organizers, presumably by email, indicating these goals of the meta-organizer fellowship, linking to the guide, and asking if they'd like to participate and/or chat about the guide.
- To help me do the contacting in batch, first I'll be making a spreadsheet or similar table of these groups, with estimates for their sizes.
- Initial contact by Wed June 26.
Info website
Let's start by making it Asheesh's tips for a great user group.
Those are:
- Think about newcomer-friendliness in your topics
- Don't do it alone (see also Yannick summary)
- Host lightning talks
- Have a social thing after the talks
- Run a BPW clone
- Keep track of your success
- Random sampling is a good tool in general, if you can't reach everyone
- Funding tips
- PSF wants to fiscally sponsor you probably/possibly
- Get your Meetup fees refunded
What else?
I also already know some text changes I should make, having used the text as part of convincing ChiPy to do project nights.
Pinging user groups
Being tracked in Trello. Specifically:
- Project Night candidates (board open for public viewing)
- Future board to be made.
Groups where I think I can make a difference
- ChiPy
- Pinged someone there to have a Hangouts conversation. Hoping to hear back by Mon Aug 26.
- This could lead to 1/3 speaker diversity goals.
- Other relevant groups
- Project night status: they want to have one, but I don't know who can "run" it. I just pinged aeva to see if it makes sense as a one-off to organize something that's theoretically a PS:1 + ChiPy collaboration.
- SF Python
- Pinged them with a possible speaker.
- This could lead to 1/3 speaker diversity goals.
- DC Python
- 1 woman speaker in the past year
- It seems likely that I can help connect them with speakers. Next unmet speaker slot is in December.
- Though I wonder if it'd be interesting to have, like, DC Python Data Science lightning talks at the upcoming data science-y one.
- Encouraged to apply for Meetup reimbursement on 2013-10-03; no answer yet.
- Other relevant groups:
- Baltimore Python
- Had phone call; maybe will run a Project Night soon.
- Encouraged to apply for Meetup reimbursement on 2013-10-03; no answer yet.
- ~200 peoplle Vancouver Python
- I sent them a ping. Could be a good target for a project night.
- I should send them a fresh ping.
- Paris Python
- Probably they'd love to do a project night. Yay Sylvain Zimmer.
- ~200 Python Ireland
- Super healthy group: women leader, seems to be fairly diverse in attendance and speaking.
- 20-40 attendees per meeting
- Could possibly add a project night. Pinging.
Groups where further research is required:
- NYC Python
- SF Django
- Austin Python
- NYC Django
- Sydney Python
- Brisbane Python
- Oslo Python
- Miami Python
- Pune Python
- Hyderabad Python
- Cleveland Python
- Django Stockholm
- Pittsburgh Python
- Python Chile
- Central Ohio Python
Groups that seem OK:
- Boston Python
- I presume they have things under control, but maybe I should check in anyway.
- FIXME: Add socal linux stuff per #openhatch conversation 2013-08-30
Started: June 1, 2013
Mid-way: October 16, 2013
Extended end: March 1, 2014
First half of grant period
Groups running intro & diversity events:
- SF Python started running Project Nights
- An introductory Python lecture in a new user group in Bhubaneswar, India, run by Tarashish Mishra. This led to the creation of PyBBS.
Groups with gender diversity improvements in speakers:
- SF Python
Goals were:
- At least 3 intro / diversity events get run after consultation with the fellow in each of the first half of the fellowship (2 of 3 achieved)
- At least 3 user groups improve their speaker diversity in the first half of the fellowship (1 of 3 achieved)
Second half of grant period
(Caret (^) means the event either happened already, or is scheduled and progressing along toward success. High certainty.)
(Star (*) indicates not yet scheduled, but seems very likely to happen. Moderate certainty.)
(Question (?) indicates that it is planned, but not scheduled yet. Low certainty.)
(Plus (+) indicates that it is expected, but after the end of the grant period. This by itself does not affect certainty.)
Groups running intro & diversity events:
- (^) Python Dominican Republic ran a Project night, Nov 19. [1]
- (^) Chicago Pythonistas ran a Project Night, Feb 27. [2]
- PhillyPUG is running Project Nights again; the first new one in a while is the result of a conversation I had with Dana Bauer. It took place Feb 17. [3]
- (^) PyLadies NYC organized a Linux Beginners Tutorial (their idea!) and I'm helping them with scripts and general support. [4]
- (+) A multi-week intro Python event in Seattle is going to be organized by Mako.
- (+) (*) PyLadies SF is organizing an Intro to Django event on April 26. my role, as I understand it, was to help connect people. [5]
- (+) (?) PyLadies Boston is interested in running a Django-oriented newcomer's tutorial. Expected in May or so, after PyCon.
Groups with gender diversity improvements in speakers, due to my collaboration with them:
- (^) (+) PDX Python has booked Mele Sax-Barnett to speak in March [6].
- (*) (+) I helped connect SF Python with more women speakers again. This will come to fruition on March 12 (but is not published yet).
- (*) (+) Connected Stacey Sern and Allison Kaptur with NYC Python for the PyCon warm-up talks in April (meetup page here: [7] but their names aren't mentioned yet).
- (^) (+) For the first time in its history (as I understand it), Python Barcelona has talk proposals from women. Their upcoming lightning talks will have more diverse speakers, at their upcoming "Learn Some Python" event on March 30. [8].
Goals were:
- At least 3 intro / diversity events get run after consultation with the fellow (3 of 3 achieved, 6 if you count events after the end of the grant period, 7 if you count maybes)
- At least 5 user groups improve their speaker diversity in the second half of the fellowship (0 of 5 achieved, 4 if you count events after the end of grant period)