Recommended Projects

From OpenHatch wiki
Revision as of 19:15, 17 October 2014 by imported>Shauna (→‎OpenStreetMap)

This page lists projects that we recommend for newcomers. They have open, welcoming communities; good documentation and getting-started guides; and have pre-selected tasks for you to work on.

These projects will not necessarily have someone you can talk to __right now__ but you should hear back from them within a few days after saying hello on IRC, leaving a comment on an issue tracker, submitting a pull request, etc.

Mozilla Firefox



OpenStreetMap is collaboratively building a free map of the world, editable by anyone. Imagine the collaborative editing of Wikipedia, but making a map like Google Maps instead of an encyclopedia. The project has many components and tools using many languages and technologies, both backend and frontend - if you like Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Java, Javascript, C++, C, Python, or other languages, you can find components to contribute to.


Suggested tasks:

