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Bug trackers/requested: Difference between revisions

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Hi! To request the addition of a bug tracker, please fill out this form and hit Save.
=== [SmutDetect] ===
* Software that runs the bug tracker: [SourceForge - no idea]
* URL: [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=323021&atid=1357166]
* Primary project language: [Java]
* How much should we index?: [Everything]
* How to contact you (in case we run into trouble): [rajwitt, smutdetect (at) 4ensics <Dot> co <DoT> uk]
=== [Project name] ===
* Software that runs the bug tracker: [ Pleft ]
* URL: [ http://code.google.com/p/pleft/issues/list ]
* Tag that indicates "bite-sized": [ BiteSized ] (delete this line if there isn't one)
* Tag that indicates "documentation": [ Component-Docs ] (delete this line if there isn't one)
* Primary project language: [ JavaScript ]
* How much should we index?: [Everything]
* How to contact you (in case we run into trouble): [ Sander Dijkhuis, sander.dijkhuis@gmail.com ]
<big>&laquo; [[Bug trackers]]</big>
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* How much should we index?: Everything
* How to contact you (in case we run into trouble): Ismael Luceno, ismael@initng.org
Hi! To request the addition of a bug tracker, please fill out this form and hit Save.
=== [DragonFly BSD] ===
* Software that runs the bug tracker: [ Roundup ]
* URL: [ http://bugs.dragonflybsd.org ]
* Primary project language: [ C ]
* How much should we index?: [Everything]
* How to contact you (in case we run into trouble): [ Venkatesh Srinivas, me@endeavour.zapto.org ]
Hi! To request the addition of a bug tracker, please fill out this form and hit Save.
=== QEasyBackup ===
* Software that runs the bug tracker: trac
* URL: [http://trac.deder.at/qeasybackup]
* Tag that indicates "bite-sized": priority set to "trivial"
* Tag that indicates "documentation": component is set to "documentation"
* Primary project language: C/C++
* How much should we index?: Everything
* How to contact you (in case we run into trouble): Daniel Eder (daniel@deder.at)
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