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PyCon-2015-sprint-wiki: Difference between revisions

(45 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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More informations on [http://wiki.sagemath.org/days67].
''morning sessions at UQAM, room PK-3605, Pavillon Président-Kennedy, 201, Président-Kennedy''
=== Stack Storm ===
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* Lightning talk materials - https://osf.io/3winr/
* Waterbutler Github Repo - https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/waterbutler
* Waterbutler Docs - http://waterbutler.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
* SHARE Notification Service Repo - https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/share
* Waterbutler How-To Notebook - http://nbviewer.ipython.org/gist/chrisseto/4e8ef20dc6465cdfcdb1
* Modular ODM Repo - https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/modular-odm
* SHARE Notification Service Repo - https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/share
* Creating a metadata harvester for SHARE - https://osf.io/wur56/wiki/Creating%20a%20Harvester/
* Elasticsearch API - http://osf.io/api/v1/share/search/?raw
* Command line tool for visualizing SHARE data - http://github.com/erinspace/scrapi_stats
* Tool for converting OOXML files to HTML - https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/pydocx
* Gist for adding text storage instead of using Cassandra - https://gist.github.com/fabianvf/597f57ffe8351156bb98
* '''Any cool descriptives, stats, viz would be great to consider, but a list of top keywords (showing variance), % dois by provider, % field by provider. For any graphs you make, also send Erin the data--whatever table I'd need to recreate (so, the number on the y to get each bar on x)'''
* If you would like to work on a visualization, please just leave your name and the visualization you are working on here, so that we can avoid duplicating effort. To start us off, here are a few unclaimed visualizations/statistics:
* Analyzing what keywords appear the most across services
* Analyzing identifiers that appear across services (dois, urls, etc)
* Analyzing contributors that appear across services
* Top keywords/contributors/titles/identifiers/etc
* Analyzing the number of providers that include certain fields
* Histograms would be a nice addition to the command line tool
New sources:
We can search for new sources via OpenDOAR: Directory of Open Access Repositories - http://opendoar.org/ - We need sources that are licensed CC0. OpenDOAR has an API that allows searching by subject, metadata licensing state, existence of an OAI url and others.
* API documentation - http://www.opendoar.org/tools/api.html NOTE: the PDP contains more information about search parameters, read that first
* Small Python script that uses the above API to query for all sources that are in English, have science content, and allow free access to their metadata; the script parses the XML output and returns a JSON-formatted list of dicts containing the repository name, main URL, and OAI URL: https://gist.github.com/stitchinthyme/dfeac2c8579bbd2d2fb0
Budapest Open Access Inititive - searching for BOAI or looking on this page for sources dedicated to open accesses to data http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/list_signatures
* CalTech Library - http://caltechs.library.caltech.edu/cgi/oai2
* Harvard: Digital Access to Scholahship at Harvard - http://dash.harvard.edu/
* Oklahoma State Thesis and Dissertation Archive - http://www.library.okstate.edu/thesis/
* Oklahoma Library: General archive, some non-science content - http://www.library.okstate.edu/digital/
* Aberdeen University Research Archive - http://eprints.aston.ac.uk/cgi/oai2?verb=Identify
* Digital Commons Network - http://network.bepress.com
* Birkbeck Institutional Research Online - general archive, science and non-science content - http://eprints.bbk.ac.uk/cgi/oai2?verb=Identify
* Bournemouth University Research Online - http://eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk/cgi/oai2?verb=Identify (general - science at http://eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk/view/subjects/sci.html)
* Bradford Scholars - general archive, science and non-science content - http://bradscholars.brad.ac.uk/dspace-oai/request?verb=Identify
* Canterbury Research and Theses Environment - http://create.canterbury.ac.uk/cgi/oai2?verb=Identify (general - science at http://create.canterbury.ac.uk/view/subjects/Q.html)
* CEDA (Centre for Environmental Data Archival) - http://cedadocs.badc.rl.ac.uk/cgi/oai2?verb=Identify
* CentAUR (Central Archive at the University of Reading) - general archive, science and non-science content - http://centaur.reading.ac.uk/cgi/oai2?verb=Identify
* CADAIR (Aberystwyth University Repository) - http://cadair.aber.ac.uk/dspace-oai/request?verb=Identify
* William &Mary Virginia Institute of Marine Science - https://digitalarchive.wm.edu/handle/10288/615
* ARRO (Anglia Ruskin Research Online - general archive, includes science) - http://angliaruskin.openrepository.com/arro/oai/request?verb=Identify
* University of California - http://escholarship.org/
* Aston University Research Archive - http://eprints.aston.ac.uk/cgi/oai2?verb=Identify
* Cognitive Sciences ePrint Archive - http://cogprints.org/cgi/oai2?verb=Identify
* Central Lancashire Online Knowledge - http://clok.uclan.ac.uk/cgi/oai2?verb=Identify
* City University Research Online - http://openaccess.city.ac.uk/cgi/oai2?verb=Identify (general - science at http://openaccess.city.ac.uk/view/subjects/Q.html)
=== Influence-USA ===
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Resources: '''http://influence-usa.github.io'''
=== No Null Process ===
Inspired by Kate Heddleston's talk "How our engineering environments are killing diversity (and how we can fix it)," this repo contains basic starter docs/checklists for company processes. It is designed to be forked and changed to fit your company's needs. In addition to promoting a more diverse personnel, we believe that having processes like these will improve the experience for all new hires.
== Info about the intro event ==
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