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Boston Python Workshop 3/Data types: Difference between revisions

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==Numbers: integers and floats==
* Integers don't have a decimal place.
====Math: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division====
* Floats have a decimal place.
>>> type(1)
<type 'int'>
>>> type(1.0)
<type 'float'>
====Math: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division====
<b>addition</b>: 2 + 2<br />
<b>subtraction</b>: 0 - 2<br />
<b>multiplication</b>: 2 * 3<br />
<b>division:</b><br />
====Math: division====
Line 15 ⟶ 26:
* Integer divisondivision produces an integer. You need a number that knows about the decimal point to get a decimal out of division:
Line 24 ⟶ 35:
* String are surrounded by quotes.
* Use triple-quotes (""") to create whitespace-preserving multi-line strings.
>>> type(1)
<type 'int'>
>>> type(1.0)
<type 'float'>
Line 39 ⟶ 44:
====String concatenation====
>>> print "Hello""In + "World"2009,
... The monetary component of the Nobel Prize
... was US $1.4 million."""
In 2009,
The monetary component of the Nobel Prize
was US $1.4 million.
====Printing strings====
>>> print "Hello"
>>> print "Hello", "World"
Hello World
>>> print "Hello", "World", 1
Hello World 1
Line 64 ⟶ 58:
<type 'str'>
<b>String concatenation with '+'</b>: "Hello" + "World"<br />
<b>Printing strings with '+'</b>: print "Hello" + "World"<br />
<b>Printing strings with ','</b>>: print "Hello", "World", 1<br />
* There are two booleans, <code>True</code> and <code>False</code>.
* Use booleans to make decisions.
>>> type(True)
<type 'bool'>
>>> type(False)
<type 'bool'>
====Containment with 'in' and 'not in'====
>>> "H" in "Hello"
>>> "Xa" not in ["a", "b", "Helloc"]
>>> "a" in ["a", "b", "c"]
>>> "x" in ["a", "b", "c"]
"a" not in "abcde"
"Perl" not in "Boston Python Workshop"
* <code>==</code> tests for equality
* <codE>!=</code> tests for inequality
* <code>&lt;</code>, <code>&lt;=</code>, <code>&gt;</code>, and <code>&gt;=</code> have the same meaning as in math class:.
>>> 0 == 0
Line 107 ⟶ 102:
====Use with if/else blocks====
<code>&lt;</code>, <code>&lt;=</code>, <code>&gt;</code>, and <code>&gt;=</code> have the same meaning as in math class:
* When Python encounters the <code>if</code> keyword, it evaluates the expression following the keyword and before the colon. If that expression is <code>True</code>, Python executes the code in the indented code block under the if line. If that expression is <code>False</code>, Python skips over the code block.
1 > 0
2 >= 3
-1 < 0
temperature = 32
.5 <= 1
if temperature > 60 and temperature < 75:
print "It's nice and cozy in here!"
print "Too extreme for me."
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