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So that's the case? Quite a reevaliton that is.
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We want to
* '''Bring people together''' who are on the front lines of free software recruitment and teaching
* '''Create new contributors''' (e.g., software development volunteers) for free software projects
* '''Create more expert users''' who are well-versed with free software and can teach others
We're going to do this by organizing a free-of-cost event to celebrate Software Freedom Day here in the Boston area.
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[http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2080664323 http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/countdown/banner1-UTC-4-en.png]
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== Software Freedom Day 2011, in Boston ==
You cloudn't pay me to ignore these posts!
=== Venue ===
Cambridge College has graciously offered to donate space at '''1000 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA'''. To get here:
* Take the MBTA Red Line to Central, and walk west on Mass Ave
* [http://maps.google.com/maps?q=1000+Mass+Avenue,+Cambridge,+MA&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=45.418852,92.900391&vpsrc=0&z=16 Find it on Google Maps]
* For more information, see the [http://www.cambridgecollege.edu/about/directions.cfm Cambridge College website].
=== Sponsors ===
The event is organized by [http://openhatch.org/ OpenHatch] and made possible with generous support from the [http://www.openinventionnetwork.com/ Open Invention Network] and the [http://www.fsf.org/ Free Software Foundation].
=== Organizational checklist ===
* [[Software Freedom Day 2011 Boston/Checklist]]
=== Other SFD celebrations ===
* NEIA Free Culture is organizing one of their own on Tuesday, September 20.
* Add yours here!
=== Slides & Information ===
* Keynote Máirín Duffy
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjvqWKsndGs Video], recorded by Chris Macken
* A. Richard Miller's talk and Walter Bender's talk
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9k9LjLXXwQ Video], recorded by Chris Macken
* Sunlight Meetup Boston
** [http://www.shaunagm.net/docs/programming/sunlight.odp Presentation in .odp format]
** join the mailing list: [http://groups.google.com/group/open_gov_boson Open Gov Boston]
** next project next Weds Oct 4th, 6pm at [http://thesprouts.org/studios Sprout]
* Oliver Day's talk on information security
** [http://zeroday.hastypastry.net/infosec101-handout.ods Handout in .ods format]
* Rob McQueen's talk on "Free Software in Consumer Electronics," subtitled: "(why Android makes my job harder)"
** [http://people.collabora.com/~robot101/SFD-Boston-2011-09-17.pdf Slides as PDF]
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